How to know if clones are rooting

So far I’ve only had luck with cloning one particular strain they are the only ones that survive got afghani #1, LSD, White Rhino, and heavy bud but only the heavy bud clones seem to survive don’t know if it’s just a really hearty strain or what
Lots of different methods to clone, Aero, bubblers, cup of soil, rockwool, rapid rooters, cup O water on the window sill, air layering.
I find aero to be the easiest & most reliable .
Well this is my first time cloning and I’m only doing it to try to save a plant I forgot to buffer the coco and it started going bezerk I took the cuttings about 5 days ago how do they look so far?image.jpgimage.jpg
Also they are planted in jiffy pellets. Do I need to moisturize the pellets every few day?
I use an aero but I am trying rapid rooters as well for the first time. I'd say just keep em moist. I mist them 1-2 times daily until I know they have roots popping out. Just a mix of water and clonex in the spray bottle. My rapid rooters are sitting in about 1/4" of water and are constantly moistened, so far so good.
I just wet them they are a little bit dryer than the one on the far right ( with our clone ). Ok so like I said wait let I’m trying to save the plant as in the strain I took the two clones after treating the mother for a severe magnesium def. I’m pretty sure the coco locked out all cal-mag before the roots could take it in I still have her but her growth is slow will these clone inherited the same problems or will it be new plants new start. I got the seeds from growers choice ran through a 3 pack they all were slow IMO they are grape apes
So basically give it a few spays with a mister to keep it damp?

I just spray the insides of the dome and floor but not the cuttings. Keep the medium really damp but not sopping wet and they should be fine. I dip my cuttings in gel then powder and get 100% every time for the last 100 or so clones. Got a DIY bubble cloner to that works OK but like the screened ProMix in little 9-hole seed pots.

I've not read all the replies it might have been said, you'll find wetting it daily and pampering it slows down rooting, don't spray it and only give a damp substrate and they root much faster, ave 7/10 days.

If it wants drink or food let it put down roots!