Lol "bdickk". His solution was obviously Mighty Wash. I use Neem Oil, which ias organic and harmless as well. Never tried peppers, but it makes sense that it would kill the mites, not sure if it'd harm your plants or not, I don't see why it would.
I think dbkick must be associated with Mighty Wash in some way.......I wasn't that happy with it. As I said, being it has a pH of 4.2, if it's gets in your soil, it will throw your pH off and deficiencies will occur unless you buy and apply their Cleaner Wash too.
I did a thorough inspection yesterday and it does appear the Calicleaner did a respectable job with the mites. IT DID NOT WIPE OUT THE ENTIRE EGG POPULATION, as I see some still viable on some leaves. But with that said, I have not seen any new damage and my guess is 80-85% death rate. I don't see any mites anymore, just some eggs in much smaller numbers. I went back to Safeway today and bought another 30 Habanero's for under $5 and I'm planning on making another 3/4 of a gallon spray for tomorrow. I also ordered a 5 gallon concentrate of Liquid Ladybug (used the code LiquidLadybug10 for 10% discount) for $179 which makes 5 gallons of spray. And I'll spray every day if I have too!
So, so far I'm happy with the Calicleaner and it appears to be a very good cheap alternative. Multiple sprays must be made, and it's a little nasty but done properly it's no big deal. For $5 and a little time, right now it's a Consumer Reports "Best Buy"........
it's safe, just close the door, and cut the inline fans off, till, the light comes on.i just bought this and on the back it says for use in unoccupied areas not for use in homes except garages attics crawl spaces and sheds lol should i use this in my closet my close is never closed only when lights come off and i have air flowing so is it safe ??
see thats where i have a problem i dont have cash for an AC or inline fan yet :/it's safe, just close the door, and cut the inline fans off, till, the light comes on.
When you use the pest strip, you need to make sure it's closed off, as that's what helps kill the mites, and a fan blowing is okay, just can't have exhausting air running at night.
don't need it.The trick to those pest strips, is to make sure the air stays in growroom, or as much as it can, so the vipers can kill them.see thats where i have a problem i dont have cash for an AC or inline fan yet :/
what you didn't burn your dick???Last report: I sprayed the Calicleaner 4 times over about a 2 week period. It had limited success. I'm finding plenty of eggs again. It's on to Floramite to end this crap for good. Not the healthiest stuff to spray on your smokables but I have 5 weeks before flowering is finished so it will break down in plenty of time. Liquid Ladybug, Mighty Wash, No Pest Strips, etc.- all work with only limited success. It may control the population temporarily but it's nearly impossible to kill everything which means they'll be back. I'm now on to the chemicals to be done with this once and for all.....
nah DB is not associated with mighty wash, but thats shit really does work, its just not cost effective(thus the graco airless sprayer, 100$ more to be efficient)
i dont use mighty wash(cause it exp$ive) but the shit worked for a little bit for me.
DB, you saved my ass from spider mites. I read one of your posts, tried Mighty Wash, and haven't used anything else sinse. I appreciate you spreading your gospel!