HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

I have tried every thing time and time again. i found this stuff in a spray bottle and it has worked great. aint seen one ov the fuckers since so looks like i may have won the war in the end!!! bout fucking time its called plant vitality plus its in a black bottle wiv a red spray lid. it contains 0.1g/l thiamethoxam+0.015g/l abamectin. it actually a aqueous solution... what ever that is...Lol. hope thats some help good luck!!
I grabbed my infested auto out if its dwc slot, took it in the shower, let her have it.....turned it upside down, got it fully soaked...havnt seen em since..
Will do...its a good counter measure to do if one can before spraying any bug killers around...
This shit works pretty good. I dunked all my clones & seedlings in it before transplant. No Mites all grow. And I will admit that was a 1st. It's kind of expensive. But organic and can spray on with lights on with no burn. My local grow shop turned me onto it.110134.JPG
Does anybody know if ladybugs eat spider mites? Just curious as I plan to introduce them into my garden to control aphids.
Immature ladybugs will eat almost anything that gets in their way. Might as well watch them to see if they eat mites too..
Bravo! Very well thought out, and explained. One of the best written articles I have read. I may be a bit premature, but Im sure you saved my little ones. Thank You!
Azatrol is my new best friend. I have fought mites for years and have used soaps, neem oils, predator mites, lady bugs, praying mantis, Doktor Doom sprays and bombs, pretty much everything with so so results. The Doktor Doom works well but you have to use several attacks and it gets pricey. The insects work if they are in heavy before mites appear. This stuff is great. I mix a little in a gallon of water in my my pump sprayer with extendable nozzel and treat 3 times once every 5 days if I see any and this kills them dead and sterilizes any survivors then kills the new hatchlings. I then like to just treat evey 4 weeks if no infestation as they dislike the smells alone which isnt strong to human nose and it can be used up til day before harvest and is non toxic. Its pyrethium based in nature. So far I have used it last dozen goes and my mite issues are done. I have ton of Evergreens in my area which mites love so I got a bug bottle and hooked it to my houses and spray every where and seems to have taken the pests down
We rec'd infected clones that have migrated to the rest of our veg and flower. We have been using mighty wash for a while now and it seems to knock them down but not completely get rid of them. I had a bottle of neem so I used that last night. Today I bought the peppers. My question is I neemed last night, should I spray with clear water today and then pepper tomorrow and can someone go over the process for the peppers again, it seems to have gotten lost in here. I have 12 peppers, 4 cups of water? simmer 20 minutes? do not boil I got. So then I have veg and flower so when do I spray and when do I then rinse light on off etc...? I'm in hydro just fyi. Also, when I spray with water should I cover top of bucket with plastic or something? I obviously cannot tip upside down since they are in water. Thanks for any help
Azatrol is my new best friend. I have fought mites for years and have used soaps, neem oils, predator mites, lady bugs, praying mantis, Doktor Doom sprays and bombs, pretty much everything with so so results. The Doktor Doom works well but you have to use several attacks and it gets pricey. The insects work if they are in heavy before mites appear. This stuff is great. I mix a little in a gallon of water in my my pump sprayer with extendable nozzel and treat 3 times once every 5 days if I see any and this kills them dead and sterilizes any survivors then kills the new hatchlings. I then like to just treat evey 4 weeks if no infestation as they dislike the smells alone which isnt strong to human nose and it can be used up til day before harvest and is non toxic. Its pyrethium based in nature. So far I have used it last dozen goes and my mite issues are done. I have ton of Evergreens in my area which mites love so I got a bug bottle and hooked it to my houses and spray every where and seems to have taken the pests down

Azatrol is neem based. I've been using it for years. I haven't had mites in ages, but I've used it in and outdoors on full on web colonies. Best product for mites IMO. Have never seen them build resistance to it. Still use it as a preventative all the way up to week 4 of bloom.
When this crop is over, get some Forbid 4f on ebay and spray them once in vegetative. Problem solved.
Bayer's products all work well for their intensive purposes, no question about that. However, they test their chemicals on Dogs, and have reported liver and uterus failures etc within these animals as a result of the exposure to their products, including Forbid. Pretty fkd up isn't it. But it'll do a number on mites that's for sure.