How to keep pee warm for a drug tes(I am a female)! HELP

I have a piss test on Wednesday and while I haven't smoked for 3.5 weeks I am a bit worried since I used it regularly and have decided to use my younger, 11 year old brothers piss. I told him I'm afraid of peeing in cups and he believed me LOL. Anyway I was wondering if they will be able to tell that I used a younger boy's piss. Also I have condoms to keep it in. How should I keep it warm? Should I just put it in my underwear? Or should I put in my underwear WITH a hand warmer? I just want to make sure I have it at the right temp!
my wife been passing drug tests for 2 yrs doin this....get the mini listerine bottle its exactly enough for testing...not being nasty but keep in panties in crotch ..put piece of tape round lid jus as extra measure ...ur urine will be bout 96 degrees my nurse friend told me it is accceptable from 95 to 100 degrees...and the listerine mouthwash bottle will prob be lil uncomfortable but hey if u wanna pass ur test...there ya go....GOOOD LUCK
Lol not in crotch im so sry that was wrote wrong jus meant between legs against skin so it will stay body temp apologies again for mis typing that
get some toe warmers and a rubber band.The toe warmers have a sticky side.Stick the rubber band to the warmer and then the warmer to your underwear.Secure the bottle in the band and wrapped in the toe warmer.
But ur body will keep it body temp with no toe warmers or hand warmers either....if u still paranoid jus remem over 100 they will refuse it too
But ur body will keep it body temp with no toe warmers or hand warmers either....if u still paranoid jus remem over 100 they will refuse it too

if you use a quick fix bottle it has a temp strip on it.If I get it to around 100 right before I walk in,by time I get into the bathroom its just about right to hand it over. I've done it a few times
not being smartass at all but best way to keep something body temp is body heat but its to each their own but my wife whos sittin here said a toe warmer in the crotch region for half hour waitin to get urine test done...well she will stick with body heat method ..not saying warmers dnt work at all jus sayinmore than one way to skin a cat..lmao
I think your brother is smarter than that, but that's just half of the point.
It would be bad if your brother smoked weed and got you busted. And I think that you will be safe to use your own piss after almost a month!

Google it! type "how long after smoking weed will I pass a drug test?"

This guy says that the urine test will only catch you if you have smoked WEED in the past week.
the thing he says about 45 days is only about the weed that is in your system, a urine test wont be able to detect that at all and you shouldn't be scared at all unless you have smoked weed in the past 7 days.

The best thing you can do is to just use your own piss, then you will be sure that of the fact that weed cant be detected in ur pee after almost a month. (Besides, millions of people ask these questions, so you can be totally sure that this info is accurate. We know you're scared! no body wants to get busted by pigs! or whoever it is in your case.)
Do not believe that if you hadnt smoked in a week ur good....thats str8 horseapples...its acccording to body fat content how long it takes to exit ur body the reason my wife takes her pis now was pissing after 27 days no smoking she failed one...for most 1 month if you ve smoked everyday for a while and who are we kiddin ...i smokes everyday and so does the wifey...but hey im jus sayin if i piss in a cup in a week for drug test would turn green and fail the hell outta it
Walmart sells thin short bottles, a tad larger than those mini listerine bottles, but narrow. pee in that, put it in your rectum. will be body temp warm. against your skin, it will be slightly less than body temp, like 90 or so, probably less. but in your butthole, it will be right around 98 degrees.
Walmart sells thin short bottles, a tad larger than those mini listerine bottles, but narrow. pee in that, put it in your rectum. will be body temp warm. against your skin, it will be slightly less than body temp, like 90 or so, probably less. but in your butthole, it will be right around 98 degrees.

FUCK THAT-I'd quit my job,violate my parole whatever.Have some pride man.God damn....
Do not believe that if you hadnt smoked in a week ur good....thats str8 horseapples...its acccording to body fat content how long it takes to exit ur body the reason my wife takes her pis now was pissing after 27 days no smoking she failed one...for most 1 month if you ve smoked everyday for a while and who are we kiddin ...i smokes everyday and so does the wifey...but hey im jus sayin if i piss in a cup in a week for drug test would turn green and fail the hell outta it

see, just as I said. the internet is full of accurate information :mrgreen: which is based on peoples experiences.