How to keep my seeds warm


if ur trying 2 get ur seeds 2 germinate
1.get 2 plates wet/damp paper tower on 1 plate seeds on the wet/damp paper (tissue is best)
4.cover the seeds with another damp/wet tissue
5.put the remaining plate on top
6. now place it under ur mattress it should keep it warm

(Or just under ur sofa in ur front room or sommin)

Reli its not rocket science (Keep it simple)

Jus Naturale

Active Member
As long as you're not going to drip water into it, something like on top of a cable box works well, too. If you're just going for germination, you can simply drop the seed into a small cup/shot glass of water and let it set for a few days. I've had 100% success with just that.



You can really skip the whole paper towel thing and just put your seeds directly into small cups* of pre-moistened potting mix (preferably seedling mix). Put the seed in a shallow hole in the center of the pot, not much deeper than half inch, cover, water. Just use a small bottle of water and your thumb to drizzle water on the surface, until the soil is just about saturated.

* With holes for drainage.

They need to be kept at a temperature from about 72-82 degrees for the seeds to germinate promptly. You could just put them in your grow room under lighting, particularly if you are using fluorescent tubes such as a T5 fixture. These can produce just enough heat to warm the soil surface up sufficiently. Keep the soil surface\pots about 6 or 7 inches or more away from the lights depending how warm the room is and how warm the lights get.

Heating mats are sold for seedlings/clones to warm the media 10-20*.


Well-Known Member
If it's warm enough do you to be in the room, it's fine. I put them in with my kitchen spices it's the least used out of all my kitchen cabinets so it's almost always dark


New Member
Thanks for the replies I did all the methods I used the shot glass then straight to soil 100% and my one in that paper towel thing worked I'm still waiting for the other 3 to crack and I wrapped the plates in a towel and put it in my closet and its working great thanks for all your replys cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I just put 5 germinated seeds into dirt. Before I filled the solo cups with dirt I put the soil in a large mixing bowl and nuked it in the microwave for 44 seconds. Not long enough to make it hot but long enough to warm the soil up. Also, I try to use warmish water when I spray or water. BigSteve.