How to increase THC content


Well-Known Member
I was studying the effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on THC when I stumbled across this from "Hemp Husbandry" by Robert A. Nelson see;
6.3 Isomerization ~

"The potency of marijuana can be increased by about 50% simply by simmering a water slurry of the material for 2 hours. Add water as necessary to maintain the level. Cool and filter the mixture, and refrigerate the aqueous solution. Dry the leaf material at low heat. Drink the tea before smoking the marijuana. The effects are much more intense and last longer than those from the untreated leaves. The boiling water treatment isomerizes the inactive CBD, and decarboxylates THCA to THC."
Anyone out there aware of, or try this? The article gives no further details as to the ratio of materials.
Google decarb before smoking.
Yup, you are supposed to get more outa decarbed weed.
(Method you quoted sounds kinda funky to me..)
Maybe a good quality herb vape? Use a lot less than smoking.

Personally, I have plenty of weed, and would rather roll a nice fat wasteful joint, cause taste is important too me, if I am going to have the rare smoke. ( I mostly injest pot, because popping a pill or a gummy bear is easier.)

Decarbed weed tastes awful. Just make an ethanol tincture or oil for consumables if you want to get the most THC into your bloodstream.

Just grow more!! ;)
I was studying the effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on THC when I stumbled across this from "Hemp Husbandry" by Robert A. Nelson see;
6.3 Isomerization ~

"The potency of marijuana can be increased by about 50% simply by simmering a water slurry of the material for 2 hours. Add water as necessary to maintain the level. Cool and filter the mixture, and refrigerate the aqueous solution. Dry the leaf material at low heat. Drink the tea before smoking the marijuana. The effects are much more intense and last longer than those from the untreated leaves. The boiling water treatment isomerizes the inactive CBD, and decarboxylates THCA to THC."
Anyone out there aware of, or try this? The article gives no further details as to the ratio of materials.
and this is how people die lol i aint drinking shit simmered in Hydrogen Peroxide
I thought that's what it said too lol. The h2o2 part of the post is unrelated. Just simmer the buds in water for 2 hours and dry the bud, drink the water. Or drink the water and smoke some other dried bud. I'd maybe try it on a gram or two first. Deff not my whole harvest
decarbing will increase potency with edibles. adding UVA light during flowering will also increase THCA and other cannibanoids but pot has a lot of THCA and very little THC. heat is needed to convert THCA into THC. boiling in H2O2 will not create enough heat to convert THCA into THC. temperature must be atleast 250 degrees for about 27 minutes to get maximum conversion
You can also decrease temperatures during later flowering stage. The plants trichomes are actually a defensive measure. When you decrease temps it forces the plant to react which causes the plant to produce more trichomes since it is it's only form of defense.

I'm trying it right now and all I can say is that there is definitly an increased smell coming from them since lowering temps, not that it has anything to do with it.
You can also decrease temperatures during later flowering stage. The plants trichomes are actually a defensive measure. When you decrease temps it forces the plant to react which causes the plant to produce more trichomes since it is it's only form of defense.

I'm trying it right now and all I can say is that there is definitly an increased smell coming from them since lowering temps, not that it has anything to do with it.

Been colder over at this end. I have noticed a smell increase as well. Interesting thoughts, never would have came up with the colder the more trichs, thx man. Learning something everyday.
decarbing will increase potency with edibles. adding UVA light during flowering will also increase THCA and other cannibanoids but pot has a lot of THCA and very little THC. heat is needed to convert THCA into THC. boiling in H2O2 will not create enough heat to convert THCA into THC. temperature must be atleast 250 degrees for about 27 minutes to get maximum conversion

I think it's UVB that promotes resin production.
The plants resin is a defense from the sun, drying winds, and insects. ;o)
This thread made me think of Dave Gold's old Thai Power ISO 2 unit. He wrote a book called Cannabis Alchemy back in 1971. Isomerize ditch weed to convert the CBD into THC. It basically extracted the essential oil, converted the CBD to THC while decarboxylating it.

Have a buddy that used to work for them. He said people would send the machines back full of oil saying they weren't working and they would re-calibrate the thermostat and run it out then collect the isomerized oil. They always had a big jar full of oil that the employees would split up and take home.

I remember my friend telling me that Dave blew up a lab at Berkeley while developing the process. lol Not sure if that part was true of course.
This thread made me think of Dave Gold's old Thai Power ISO 2 unit. He wrote a book called Cannabis Alchemy back in 1971. Isomerize ditch weed to convert the CBD into THC. It basically extracted the essential oil, converted the CBD to THC while decarboxylating it.

Have a buddy that used to work for them. He said people would send the machines back full of oil saying they weren't working and they would re-calibrate the thermostat and run it out then collect the isomerized oil. They always had a big jar full of oil that the employees would split up and take home.

I remember my friend telling me that Dave blew up a lab at Berkeley while developing the process. lol Not sure if that part was true of course.

We didn't know much back then..

CBD does not convert to THC. THC will however degrade into CBN.

Decarb via smoking or heating gets rid of the "A" making caniboids "activated" in the human body.
Cbd converts to thc in the stomach!

Someone should do a side by side, weed previously decarbed before vaping vs decarbed while vaping. Basically slow vs fast decarb: which is more efficient?
Cbd converts to thc in the stomach!

Someone should do a side by side, weed previously decarbed before vaping vs decarbed while vaping. Basically slow vs fast decarb: which is more efficient?

No CBD never ever converts to THC.

I have read, from people selling decarb machines, that activating via decarb is more efficient than combustion. Vaping I don't know?

Vaping is efficient, but I have further decarb vap weed and make edibles that are still effective.