How to have a "happy" high.


Active Member
I'm not saying bieng high doesnt make you happy which most the time it does. I am wondering what is your favorite thing todo or favorite place to be to make your high very happy relaxing and just really good in general. :joint:


Active Member
2 places that are very contrasting, numero uno, being out in nature with the woman hikin, baked, everything outdoors just so much more interestin high and on a beautiful day. Number 2 be rite here, infront a the PC with the bong out, perusin RIU, youtube, sky sports etc. Ya got good beats, ya got good weed, and ya got some kick ass online content, wat more ya really need to make ya happy *cough* pornhub *cough* :twisted: :mrgreen:

Ps I aint really into tree huggin or anythin, but id sure as hell give that bush in your avatar a good hard 15mins or so.


Active Member
lol only threw the pornhub thing in for too add a bitta humour, and talkin about humour, sex outside, you havin a laugh! lol

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
we usually get weed, have a joint in the car, that puts me in a decent mood cos i love cars, and my mate who's driving it gets excited and drives more funny which is phat (Y)

but yeah, we have a blaze then go upto to danes dyke which is a dyke if you can imagine. we go for a 'ninja'
which includes, getting high and running around the dyke (Y) climbing near vertical dyke walls that have roots sticking out and shit and trees in places so you can 'ninja' your way up. theres cliffs there aswell so we climb them an all

backflips and all sorts of flips off and into shit

just being a big kid really :)
good workout too!

since i cant smoke in my house i usually bong it up at my mates flat

i like being on my own though mostly, playing guitar and writing music is what i do, that makes me happy after a coupl'a joints

ink the world

Well-Known Member
When baked I enjoy scuba diving. Most relaxing thing on earth is get lit, add 10 lbs. extra weight on the belt and sink like a rock....lay down on the bottom and just chill.

I also enjoy giving bad directions to obnoxious tourists :-)

And for those "special" moments I also enjoy xhamster.