How to Grow?

can someone please help id loved sum advice. so iv got a few questions. (i bought a bag of thai and iv taken the seeds out and thats what im using) iv grown ganja b4 a few times this way but it always gets ruined i think its my PH levels cus they look burnt and i dnt think the light is to close, will this be sorted if i just buy an electronic PH tester and monitor it and up the level or down it wen needed? or is this caused by sumthin els? also iv just planted one plant this time cus my hopes arnt that high so i dnt wnt to sink my muny in to it unless i no wat im doing (which i dont) so i germinated a seed the other day (root about 1 inch long) and iv whacked it in the soil and it got a shoot about an inch tall so far out of the soil. this is outside by the way wat wood i do from here about pests ? the bad/unpredictable english sun/weather ? and just overall growing from this point onward? i was also thinking its probs not gunna work by just leavin it there so i thort is it a good idea if i let it grow outside for a while till its at a nice hight then bring it indoors under sum lights to do the flowerin stage? i just av to many questions and dont no what im on about does anyone av any words of wisdom i no just about nothing and really need some help thanx in advance. iv also seriously damaged the ligaments in my right foot so i really really need advice

Billy Piper

Active Member
Definately need some pics.
If you want to do it and your willing to read and take advice then do it.
I started growing indoors recently and this site has helped me lots.
Good luck!