how to grow mushrooms the easy way

I have been thinking.

Remember that the rice bag must remain sterile until it is completely colonized.

Tape or hot glue the hole you made IMMEDIATELY. Let the bag sit in a warm place sans direct sun light. A little light is ok and maybe preferable. I figure you don't want to shake the bag, it's small enough such that you won't speed it up very much. I don't know what to tell you about air exchange but I think there should be enough. Check the uncle Ben tech.

The advantage is that you don't need a pressure cooker.

Using my tech afterwords eliminates the need for a fruiting chamber as each jar acts as it's own what with the plastic bag placed over each one.

Fruiting in a jar works poorly unless you put a casing layer down.

It's pretty much a must. Don't expect the five or seven flushes you get from corn, you won't get that from rice but two or three should be plenty.

Given your use of a dozen jars you should get plenty, PLENTY of fruit. Don't let the jars get hotter than 75 or so, remember that they produce heat on their own.

If you are looking to save money, use a liquid culture and inoculated your bags with the culture. Not more than 5 or 7 cc so you don't inundate the rice.

It is kind of an interesting hybred tech.

And probably the cheapest and most reliable system you could use....I guess, having never tried it.

I suggest you use the most fool proof "strains". B+ or golden teacher. Don't get any exotics for this.

As I said long ago this is NOT for large scale or "bulk". After you have done this one several times abandon it and look to something more ambitious.

But a case of jars even if you lose a few will get you several oz of dried supplies for you and your friends.
That is a lot to process lol I appreciate you helping me out! I'm going o start collecting the things I need and I may need your assistance when I start if possible.
I pasteurized my substrate the other day and just now when I checked it, it smells like fart. Is it still safe to use or is it bad?
I was expecting some feedback here - I guess not. Seems that many insist on making things more complex than they need to be - this
"tek" is for the daring folk who hold that easiest is best.
No, its a great write up and reminds me of the seventies "rough & ready" po boy tactics we used. I have done it pretty much just like that except I didn't take a second shower mid-run. We sprayed Ozium too and things were practically wet with Lysol. I kept cultures in test tubes and flasks with cotton stoppers and did fine. But that was a cleaner building than most I have worked in.
I'm kinda surprised no Shroom forum people went on a rant unless I missed one. Great way for the guy just getting started that hasn't collected much gear too. Thanks for the tek