How to grow/make mushies/cocaine/dmt/lsd

hey i wanna get into making / growing

any advice??

what equipment i need
what kinda shit i need to get

price range im looking at


Well-Known Member
Just to encourage you to keep seeking bro.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I believe links to it is banned as well. Censorship is most frustrating. :( It's like the servers to this site are located in the PRC. :(


Well-Known Member
i give up. do whatever you want. it's not my site, why the fuck do i even bother.

enjoy it all while you can. it doesn't get much better.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
And what the fuck does that mean! You tell us we can't extract but give us not guidelines as to what that means. You tell us we can't something when theres no posted rule about it, and when we make that mistake you coming running in like some hero and rub it in our face. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT US TO DO!!! God damn this is so frustrating!!!


Well-Known Member
And what the fuck does that mean! You tell us we can't extract but give us not guidelines as to what that means. You tell us we can't something when theres no posted rule about it, and when we make that mistake you coming running in like some hero and rub it in our face. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT US TO DO!!! God damn this is so frustrating!!!

that means YOU WIN. do whatever you want. i give up. it's all yours.

i'm done. :)


Well-Known Member
I never actualy thought about it until I saw someone pointing it out in a wikileaks discussion...
We all know places like China does the blatant censoring thing, the USA is one up on them, they managed to create a system that privatised their censorship in stead of blatant government censorship..

If I could offer a constructive informed suggestion...

It would be that we change the focus of this section of the website, so that it is not ALL other drugs.
Instead it should only be halucigens and entheogens, no addictive narcotics and pharmaceuticals and stimulants.

We are never going to get the legal world and other people in general to have a more informed view of these things, if we don't help them from the inside to classify and relate to the mirriad of natural substances out there. Plants that evolved symbioticaly with us, changeing us as much as we changed them by cultivation.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Everyone knows that ANC. Assange is a fucking hero. Cryptome my be better at their anonymity strategies, or so I've been told, but Assange is 10x the charismatic leader. You need that charisma to get your message across. I can't wait until the leak the meat of this leak. Last time I checked they were at 1%.


Well-Known Member
I never actualy thought about it until I saw someone pointing it out in a wikileaks discussion...
We all know places like China does the blatant censoring thing, the USA is one up on them, they managed to create a system that privatised their censorship in stead of blatant government censorship..

If I could offer a constructive informed suggestion...

It would be that we change the focus of this section of the website, so that it is not ALL other drugs.
Instead it should only be halucigens and entheogens, no addictive narcotics and pharmaceuticals.
I'm not so sure that would make a difference. Just because RC's and hallucinogens aren't addictive doesn't mean that the powers that be think they are less dangerous. What exactly are they trying to avoid. I know the don't want us discussing extractions and synthesis but does that mean this sub-forum should be removed? I'm really confused also. :-?

fdd must be having a bad day.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Dude I understand him, 'cause in a way I WAS him at some point in time in my life. I just never knew what was hidden in plain sight.