How to grow a 1/4 pound every 2 month!


Well-Known Member
flower for 4 weeks? you're rippin people off unless you're givin it to em for free..
i wouldn't take that crap if he paid me, much less for free.

try growing real bud, you are a scammer, some time you'll run into someone that will beat some of your teeth out for trying to sell them trash
Haha you guys are funny no guys gonna come accross my weed and knock my teeth out i dont sale to the whole world only close friend and family and they like the "schwag" because it is not to much for them like all this bud you get at the club! And yes the buds are tiny but the leaves still have thc even if it is low! I posted this thread for those who wanna grow some brick weed fast and cost efficent! So if you dont like it go read somthin eles


Well-Known Member
come november whether its legal or not, i havent seen too many "growing for money" last. cops dont like weed, but when ur making a profit. oh its on! cant say we didnt warn you, people like this are the reason why they dont want to legalize, however oxymoron that sounds its true. hope u burn dog.


Active Member
The only high you're gonna get with 4 week old buds is from lack of O2

It doesn't matter if you sell to friends or to the world or to no one, you're stupid for posting this as those new to the game will see your thread title...

I pull a lot more than a QP every 2-3 weeks anyway using the novel method of waiting until they're finished.

Haha you guys are funny no guys gonna come accross my weed and knock my teeth out i dont sale to the whole world only close friend and family and they like the "schwag" because it is not to much for them like all this bud you get at the club! And yes the buds are tiny but the leaves still have thc even if it is low! I posted this thread for those who wanna grow some brick weed fast and cost efficent! So if you dont like it go read somthin eles


New Member
Ok look this is how i grow a ounce every THREE AND A HALF WEEKS! First off i grow for quantity over quality so i dont care if its purple or hydro or the best out there weed is weed to me! so look i have a t12 shop light (two 40 watts) i keep one mother plant under 24/0 lighting just for the clones! i cut 5 clones every month and once rooted i will plant in regular super soil from walmart and i mix with dead fish for ferts.

I then let the clones veg for 4 weeks in 24/0.

Then i put them strait in to flower at 12/12 lighting for 4 weeks then i cut all plants down and hang them upside down to dry for 10 days(i do not trim).

once they have dried i pull the leaves, buds, fan leaves every thing but the main stock off of all 5 plants and put them into a brown paper bag. it ussaly weighs out to 114 grams if not more! thats more then a qp! then i put it all in to my can crusher in a zip lock bag and brick it then boom you have a quarter pound of some good ol 70s marijuana!

let me know what you think
nice brick in ur av....u grow it urself???


Active Member
LMAO a qp every 2 months.....I wouldn't even have enough weed between harvests.
4 week flower, brick weed, lmao....


Well-Known Member
You are the type of person who should get busted, thinking your all big and mighty cuz you can grow some crap weed to rip people off.its people like you make who me sick........


Well-Known Member
connoissuers are why people get to enjoy awsome weed, but theres always gonna be people out to make a fast buck with bunk a$$ dirt weeds.


Well-Known Member
He said he sells to "Family and Friends"........ My friends would beat me. Turn them on to the real stuff. quit harvesting early....


Active Member
i am a rookie i have a t12 shop light also and a baby train wreck clone also will this light realy work for my plant? its my first time growing ive made a couple threads looking for help can some one please help me?? and please not chicano it seems you are just a front and even a newb like me can see that


Well-Known Member
i am a rookie i have a t12 shop light also and a baby train wreck clone also will this light realy work for my plant? its my first time growing ive made a couple threads looking for help can some one please help me?? and please not chicano it seems you are just a front and even a newb like me can see that
Alright, I will bite, Tubes are ok for vegging smaller plants, you just want to keep them as close to and get as many as possible and suround the plants with them 2 fixtures for overhead and 6-8 26w cfls for sidelighting as they get bigger would probally do for decent sized vegging plants and be a respectable veg chamber. then you should get some hid lighting, a 400w hps and try scrog or lst to maximise your spaces potential and try to get like 3-4 clones so you dont have to veg so long each grow to maximise your space and fill it up with buds, takes 3 plants a good deal of time less than 1 bigger one to get to the right size to fill your area so that means you can harvest more frequently too. use 400w hps for flower, keep your tubes for rooting and vegging new clones(adding cfls as the vegging plants gets bigger, when rooting them and real early you dont want to overload them with light).