How to grow a 1/4 pound every 2 month!

Ok look this is how i grow a ounce every THREE AND A HALF WEEKS! First off i grow for quantity over quality so i dont care if its purple or hydro or the best out there weed is weed to me! so look i have a t12 shop light (two 40 watts) i keep one mother plant under 24/0 lighting just for the clones! i cut 5 clones every month and once rooted i will plant in regular super soil from walmart and i mix with dead fish for ferts.

I then let the clones veg for 4 weeks in 24/0.

Then i put them strait in to flower at 12/12 lighting for 4 weeks then i cut all plants down and hang them upside down to dry for 10 days(i do not trim).

once they have dried i pull the leaves, buds, fan leaves every thing but the main stock off of all 5 plants and put them into a brown paper bag. it ussaly weighs out to 114 grams if not more! thats more then a qp! then i put it all in to my can crusher in a zip lock bag and brick it then boom you have a quarter pound of some good ol 70s marijuana!

let me know what you think



Well-Known Member
Lol you flower for 4 if u want to get 4 oz every 2 motnsh just flower from seed 6 plants.


Well-Known Member
Flowering for only 4 weeks will give you weak immature buds, and after mixing in all the leaves and trash you end up with something that is not even worth smoking.
Your smoke will have nothing in common with weed from the 70's - it was not compacted "brick weed" back then an ounce would almost fill a baggy, an ounce of brick weed is the size of a match box.


Active Member
Immature bud, grows for quantity, doesnt smoke it so doesnt care what he grows, the type of grower I truely despise.
See but what you guys are not getting is i dont use any "big" grow lights i am using only t12 florecent shop lights thats only use about 4-5 dollars worth of energy every month! So you do the math i pay 10 dollars for 2 months of growing and i get a 1/4 pound thats only a couple dollars and cents a oz! And i can eazily flip a qp of some train wreck brick weed with no seeds for $600! And i grow much more then a qp 2 months so you do the math! I dont grow to be rich i grow to live!

trichlone fiend

New Member
...dude, you cracked the case! From this day forward we should start to grow like you, wtf, your going to start a cult with all your vast knowledge. ALL PRAISE CHICANO GROWER!:clap::clap::clap:


Active Member
lolz... that sure sounds like a sure fire way to get busted for having crap product... lol... i'm still laughing... imagine the looks on the cops faces when they kick in the door. i imagine even narc's can grow more and better than that... good for you chicano grower, stay true to what works for you... lol


Well-Known Member
I'll bet people only buy your shit when the area is "dry".... they are like damn it man, we are out of the dank, sigh, let's call on Chica and buy some of his lame ass headache schwag....
You guys can laff and crack jokes dont worry about it i like it! In a little town like mine where its always dry and no ones even heard of mmj club this weed is like gold so laff it up im making my money !


Well-Known Member
wow. everyones entitled to there own opinion. ofcoarse im growing for ME. FUCK selling it. get a JOB. thats how u make money. u keep selling and sooner or later, ol johhny laws going to shut u down. im sure u got "home boys" that are aware of waht ur doing, b4 u know it someones going to get jealous, be a bitch a snitch u out. wither to tha law or to some punk ass kids who listen to lil wayne and think there "gansta". shits going to go south fast. just saying, get a job and grow for personal, and tell NOONE. ID HATE TO SEE A FELLOW weed lover get f*cked up. IMO