How to go about getting a refund or replacements from The Attitude...


Active Member
BTW I haver never heard of someone soaking seeds in water till they crack. I think you're lucky to get any survivors.


Well-Known Member
36 hours is 3 days! BTW I haver never heard of someone soaking seeds in water till they crack. I think you're lucky to get any survivors.
What planet do you live on where it is 12 hour days?
24 hours in a day, 36 hours is 1.5 days


Well-Known Member
You posted that second picture in another thread saying that it was not strong or some shit...
How did you go from that to being incredibly happy?


Well-Known Member
Because right now, it wouldn't sound very good for it to be bad smoke. in this conversation, it would make him sound STUPID, so he "edited" the plants potency... in a word, dude... Lame.


Well-Known Member
I'm on my 4th serious grow and I'm very worried. Grow 3 has been in flower for 8 wks. Buds are really solid, trichomes still clear- not many on small leaves, smell nice but not super strong. I hope I have not wasted 3 months! I will let go for another week or so.
The ones in my previous post are clones of grow3.

^^^ that is his post in the other thread, kinda ironic

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Wow man, after reading this the thread I can only come to 2 conclusions.

1. You apparently got busted lying, thats a shame, you should explain what seems to be a lie.

2. You didnt do much research here at all BEFORE you bought your seeds. I had a post here about the EXACT same problem, same beans same seedbank.
I'll save you the time and tell you what I know/experienced. I got a 5 pack and had 1/5 germinate, alongside other seeds that I got 90% germination rate. I called and emailed Rachel at Attitude, they replaced the 5 pack with my next order.

My next 5 pack was a 1/5 again. If you research it you'll find that GHSC had germination rate problems with The Church about a year and half ago. They later said it was cleared up. After my experience and reading some others have the same issue Id say that some lame seeds got out. I know its not all the seeds being duds like I said some are having no problems.

For what its worth I kept 1 of The Church and cloned from her. Its a great strain, hearty, fast growing in my grow and easy to clone.


Active Member
You posted that second picture in another thread saying that it was not strong or some shit...
How did you go from that to being incredibly happy?
Yea, I was concerned at first cos it did not have much aroma. It needed more time. It still is not super strong smelling, but its a smooth smoke with a nice buzz plus I got a lot better harvest than I was expecting.