How to get the most out of a t-break?


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to go on a break for a bit now but it was summer and it was too tempting. I've been smoking high quality bud (headband, medical northern lights, blue/orange dream, etc) basically every day for a little less than a year but I want to take some time off to clear my head and save money. I only want to pick up once per paycheck. I haven't smoked since last night and I get paid next on the the 29th.

Over the next nine days, what are some things I could do to lower my tolerance more than it normally would if I did nothing other than stop smoking?


Ursus marijanus
Be physically active. Eat meat. Avoid excess sleep,and when you must sleep, have a dog or bird present but no other people. Orient your bed along the magnetic axis. Plant bergamot. Have no orgasms. Wear sunglasses at all times, even in the shower. Forbid yourself any opportunity to orgasm. Learn and use as many Finnish phrases as possible; absent Finnish, Estonian will do but is less efficacious. Wear one color only, but not black, white or gray. Do not deviate from the program lest the tragedy occur of a unicorn learning auto-fellatio, banishing it to forever be ineffectual at unicorny shit. cn

a.k.a. Alf

Be physically active. Eat meat. Avoid excess sleep,and when you must sleep, have a dog or bird present but no other people. Orient your bed along the magnetic axis. Plant bergamot. Have no orgasms. Wear sunglasses at all times, even in the shower. Forbid yourself any opportunity to orgasm. Learn and use as many Finnish phrases as possible; absent Finnish, Estonian will do but is less efficacious. Wear one color only, but not black, white or gray. Do not deviate from the program lest the tragedy occur of a unicorn learning auto-fellatio, banishing it to forever be ineffectual at unicorny shit. cn
in other words, good luck. i may try not smoking today, or i may not

Edit - didn't make it


Well-Known Member
Are you fat? If you have a slow metabolism, then it will take a bit longer to leave your system. The Bear's first bit of advice is spot on: Be physically active. It will ensure that your body is cleansing itself in preparation for The Great Smoke Out of 2012.

Be more active
Drink lots of water
Lift weights



Ursus marijanus
To amplify on Schmarmpit's advice ... if you do elect to lift weights, be certain to put them back down. cn