how to get that dank/loud smell?

@TwistItUp get a real job instead of peddling snake oil.

The Yokel knows what's up. I just got my bottle of s.s.m.p. In the mail today.
Thanks again Yokel;)

Grab a case while you can.

I'm not the person peddling snake oil, TheYokel is, and his con artist assistant who is trying to make it look like he actually has a product that he sends out, trying to encourage people to send him money. His con artist assistant making wild claims that he has actually received anything.
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I call bullshit!

I use something called Super Secret Monkey Piss.
I sell it for $75 per gallon.
View attachment 3298764
(Let's see how many ask where to get it...)

The Yokel knows what's up. I just got my bottle of s.s.m.p. In the mail today.
Thanks again Yokel;)
Grab a case while you can.

Are u serious?

Gasp! Shame on you. lulz
You have been reported for trying to scam people, your con artist friend has been reported as well.
The two of you need to get a life and stop trying to con people on the forum into sending you money.
Really low scum bag move trying to rip people off in the newbie central section.
That's a very stupid thing to do. Tsk Tsk.

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You have been reported for trying to scam people, your con artist friend has been reported as well.
The two of you need to get a life and stop trying to con people on the forum into sending you money.
Really low scum bag move trying to rip people off in the newbie central section.
That's a very stupid thing to do. Tsk Tsk.

Who's house is it? My neighborhood and house is way better.

Maui Way. haha, Maui Wowi Lane.

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That is the entire point.

If the ingredients aren't innovative...

And you can get them in a cheaper form elsewhere...

Why are you paying the mark-up for the brand name and logo on the bottle?

And as for ingredients... let's clear something up here. Soluble Potash (KCl / K2O) is Soluble Potash. Whether it's in a shiny black bottle or in a cardboard milk-jug... it's Soluble Potash. By definition, it is no different. Otherwise, it would be a different compound.

I'm not sure what part of chemistry you were sleeping during...

Edit: I Am Not Saying That You Aren't Seeing Results Using Terpinator. I'm Saying You Would Get The Same Results From Other Means.
I will just point out that now over half a decade later, there is a patent for Terpinator and the patent states multiple different terpene extracts from mangos and citrus fruit... as well as addition of specific terpenes that biochemically get turned into other terpenes... so basically if you add terpenes to the water that the roots soak up, then you will get more terps in the final product... but as for the citrus extract, citric acid will increase the plants ability to produce terpenes, alkaloids, and cannabinoids by boosting the Krebs cycle... potassium sulfate will also aid the Krebs cycle, in addition, the sulfur will increase the production of thiols (the skunky, onion, garlic, gas funk - sulfur compounds)

so the product did actually invest in R&D and they did patent their product... but to each their own, is it worth the money? I don’t know... that’s for the individual to decide