How to get seeds and good bud in one harvest?


Well-Known Member
Actually there is another way to produce seeds from a plant without using any chemicals and only having one female plant. What you wanna do is when it comes time to harvest cut off all the nice bud that ur gonna dry to smoke leave some of the smaller ones further down on the plant or where ever u like just so there is some buds still on the plant. Now the difference between this and reveg is u don't change ur light cycle back to a veg cycle, leave it on flowering, the plant will react with its natural survival instinct thinking that its season is ending and since it hasn't been pollinated its only other option is somehow create seeds by itself. Now this for me is still only theory I haven't done it myself yet, but I wanna try after this grow I'm doin now cause I have a really nice plant that I only had 1 seed of so I wanna save the strain(I'm gonna clone it too).
Oh there is also that other chemical stuff called GA3(gibberillic acid) that will promote seed growth. The final way I can think of to get seeds from a plant does take a male plant or a hermie. U need to pick the nanners off a plant and u save em and when time comes u pop em open take a brush like a small paint brush and brush the pollen from the banana onto a specific part of the plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah good point, thats another option and i have heard that method is more genetically stable way to get pollen than the more severe stresses sometimes used and you wont make your buds unsmokable like with the chemicals. the definite drawback is the time it takes though. it is also advised in most methods ive seen to use the pollen on another crop 2-3 weeks into flower. so that means it will be even longer till he can get seeds. if time was not an issue for him this may be the best suggestion so far.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if time is an issue I think the collodial silver isn't a chemical if thats what ur worried bout, its pretty much just like distilled water that u put really pure silver in while running an electrical charge thru the silver and small pcs of silver come off in the water, at least if i remember correctly that is the basic method to make the homemade CS.


Well-Known Member
so you rather pay someone else for your colloidal silver?
The alternative is I make some myself, I would rather just pay for it yes. Unfortunately there are many things in this world that for reasons under my control and some beyond I will have to pay someone else to make or do for me that I can make or do for myself.

Even if DrT's is plain old basement water with some silver wire and batteries all bottled up, better he make it than me.

Better yet how about you make me a batch and I will paypal you the $29.95 + shipping. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Holy shit, those are my pics from the Overgrow GrowFAQ on water cloning.

Haven't seen those in years. Those plants were grown in 2001, right as 9/11 happened, as I recall.

I bet I can find the grown up pics of those plants if I look around the net's basement a bit....

No, I can't. :shrug: