how to get rid of thrips and other possible insects

Well in reality it is Imidacloprid which is essentially a derivative of nicotine. Farmers have been using nicotine for hundreds of years. The reason this has become a major issue is because of bees. The reality however is that most grow indoors. Therefore, there is a small likely hood of coming in contact with bees. Further, Toxicity to humans would be if it were to be inhaled at a concentrate rate of around 17% to do the math thats around 500mg. The typical treatment of Merit 75 is a 1/2 tsp to 5 gallons of water. Or two grams. Coupled with watering and flushing you are talking about an extremely small amount that could be systemic. This is a joke. The fact is you inhale every day toxic gases walking down the street in the same way. Scare tactics and claimed organic are just that claims.
You need your teeth kicked in if passing that shit off as medicine.
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Well in reality it is Imidacloprid which is essentially a derivative of nicotine. Farmers have been using nicotine for hundreds of years. The reason this has become a major issue is because of bees. The reality however is that most grow indoors. Therefore, there is a small likely hood of coming in contact with bees. Further, Toxicity to humans would be if it were to be inhaled at a concentrate rate of around 17% to do the math thats around 500mg. The typical treatment of Merit 75 is a 1/2 tsp to 5 gallons of water. Or two grams. Coupled with watering and flushing you are talking about an extremely small amount that could be systemic. This is a joke. The fact is you inhale every day toxic gases walking down the street in the same way. Scare tactics and claimed organic are just that claims.
In reality its for turf pest like grubs. Its not even for mites. Not only are you using dangerous chemicals meant for ornamental plants, you're not even smart enough to use the right dangerous one.

Lazy growers that care only about money use shit like that.
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You say Merit is bad and then recommend Forbid. An acute Iv toxic substance versus Merit 75 which is Acute 1. :) Forbid used incorrectly can also be phytotoxic to the plant I have seen people kill entire crops trying to kill a few flies

Forbid is what? You better reread the tox reports....... California/FDA has it as level III in the Dermal and oral category (because of a "possible") and Level IV - that is the LOWEST toxic level! - for the rest!

You have your rating system backwards.

Acute I is the highest...Acute IV is the that straight now?

You have to know what your reading to understand what it
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In reality its for turf pest like grubs. Its not even for mites. Not only are you using dangerous chemicals meant for ornamental plants, you're not even smart enough to use the right dangerous one.

Lazy growers that think of only about money use shit like that.

It doesn't even work on Mites! This is copied from the tox report on Imid -

  • Imidacloprid's mode of action is similar on target and non-target beneficial insects including honeybees, predatory ground beetles and parasitoid wasps.10 However, imidacloprid is ineffective against spider mites and nematodes.2
  • Mammalian nicotinic receptors are made up of a number of subtypes.14 In contrast to insects, these receptors are present at neuromuscular junctions as well as in the central nervous system.14 However, the binding affinity of imidacloprid at the nicotinic receptors in mammals is much less than that of insect nicotinic receptors.15 This appears to be true of other vertebrate groups including birds.16,17
  • The blood-brain barrier in vertebrates blocks access of imidacloprid to the central nervous system, reducing its toxicity.

The problem many don't know about Merit (Imid) is that it causes the plant to produce the pheromone that attracts mites and other pests when used on Cannabis. This was told to me directly by a Chem. engineer from Beyer Ag!

The inhalation toxicity rating is Level I with an LC50 of <.05mg/L
The rating for FORBID is Level IV with an LC50 of >4.87mg/L

He has his ass hat on backwards Whitebb...
It doesn't even work on Mites! This is copied from the tox report on Imid -

  • Imidacloprid's mode of action is similar on target and non-target beneficial insects including honeybees, predatory ground beetles and parasitoid wasps.10 However, imidacloprid is ineffective against spider mites and nematodes.2
  • Mammalian nicotinic receptors are made up of a number of subtypes.14 In contrast to insects, these receptors are present at neuromuscular junctions as well as in the central nervous system.14 However, the binding affinity of imidacloprid at the nicotinic receptors in mammals is much less than that of insect nicotinic receptors.15 This appears to be true of other vertebrate groups including birds.16,17
  • The blood-brain barrier in vertebrates blocks access of imidacloprid to the central nervous system, reducing its toxicity.

The problem many don't know about Merit (Imid) is that it causes the plant to produce the pheromone that attracts mites and other pests when used on Cannabis. This was told to me directly by a Chem. engineer from Beyer Ag!

The inhalation toxicity rating is Level I with an LC50 of <.05mg/L
The rating for FORBID is Level IV with an LC50 of >4.87mg/L

He has his ass hat on backwards Whitebb...
That's some funny shit right there. I knew it didn't work on mites. Its why I called the guy out.

I hope that the person using that crap isn't providing it to people for medicine.

Forbid is what? You better reread the tox reports....... California/FDA has it as level III in the Dermal and oral category (because of a "possible") and Level IV - that is the LOWEST toxic level! - for the rest!

You have your rating system backwards.

Acute I is the highest...Acute IV is the that straight now?

You have to know what your reading to understand what it
That's some funny shit right there. I knew it didn't work on mites. Its why I called the guy out.

I hope that the person using that crap isn't providing it to people for medicine.


I got folks at "Grow weed easy" beginning to listen to me about some totally FALSE info they post on some things. 1 is FORBID. I got tired of people telling me it's systemic and GWE is where they read it. "It can't be wrong, it's from!"
And that ain't the only thing either!