How to get a GF in 2017

With most of the men these days locking them selfs in the basement so they can jerk off while playing video games with their useless adult counter parts it should be pretty easy to get a gf.

The fact that u have to ask though says alot and im sure that plays a huge role; plus your picky as Fuck. Just remove a rib and learn to suck your own dick, that should hold ya over for a bit.
I didn't value relationships until I was older. Now I can't imagine dating just to get laid -- especially with the prevalence of STDs. I'm too old for that shit.
I think the problem is women are extremely shallow....that not saying there aren't shallow guys I just think women are a lot more shallow, another problem is because if the shallowness it isn't enough for a girls to be into a guy theyr friends have to approve to which is rarely the case with men if a guys friend doesn't think his girl is hot they don't care shit I almost prefer my friends to think my chicks ugly that way I know theyr not trying to bang her behind my back