How to get a customer?

How to sell drugs for people who don't really want to 'sell drugs'. 1. get/make drugs 2. get computer and get and get on internet 3. Download Tor Browser 4. Find a site called Silk Road II or Bluesky or some Agora or something I don't know I never go on them stupid sites. 5. Become a vendor
You need to understand
whether its cops shooting at you or just average bad guys,
the only thing gonna save your life is that
and maybe a kevlar T shirt
(i really like them, tho stink after time)

Which reminds me of my first sale
I was 15yo the Chinaman was the guy who ran drugs in our town,
a buddy used to clean his car,
so I approached the kid with a bribe to see the man
the day came, but the man was out, but his old Chinese wife was in
she came at me real tough like to frighten me, I slapped a sack of buds on the table
see stopped and flipped me $us50.00, at 15yo thats a fortune in those days
I left and felt like a member of the Chicago mafia for weeks, lol lol
then I heard that some guys blew up the Chinaman and taking the woman as slaves
I rescued the China woman after a 500Km ride she returned to run the show with vengeance
as a result 44 people died and my pop punched me out for taking his gun
.. that was my ticket to the darker side of life

good luck
You should journalize your life ride and start deciding who should play you in the movie version.
My general rule is: If I haven't known you for at least 10 years, I won't sell you pot. Period.

The money is nice, but jail/prison sucks.
You need to understand
whether its cops shooting at you or just average bad guys,
the only thing gonna save your life is that
and maybe a kevlar T shirt
(i really like them, tho stink after time)

Which reminds me of my first sale
I was 15yo the Chinaman was the guy who ran drugs in our town,
a buddy used to clean his car,
so I approached the kid with a bribe to see the man
the day came, but the man was out, but his old Chinese wife was in
she came at me real tough like to frighten me, I slapped a sack of buds on the table
see stopped and flipped me $us50.00, at 15yo thats a fortune in those days
I left and felt like a member of the Chicago mafia for weeks, lol lol
then I heard that some guys blew up the Chinaman and taking the woman as slaves
I rescued the China woman after a 500Km ride she returned to run the show with vengeance
as a result 44 people died and my pop punched me out for taking his gun
.. that was my ticket to the darker side of life

good luck
You are one gangsta brahh, lol
You are one gangsta brahh, lol
No, I am no gangster, but a farmer who has had to do the seedy life to make a living
perhaps you and your buddies will not have to stop as low
now cannabis has become a political toy thing for young consumers to entertain by?
No, I am no gangster, but a farmer who has had to do the seedy life to make a living
perhaps you and your buddies will not have to stop as low
now cannabis has become a political toy thing for young consumers to entertain by?
I know many seller with really nice weed and none of them have a life like your. None of them Cary gun and none of them have been in story where 44 people die. I myself did sell weed for a "friend" and never felt in such danger, not even close. He's not asking to be the next weed cartel, all he want is sell his over stuck. Just sell it to close friend/family and you will be fine, never sell in place where you know someone else sold and you should be good. I'm not saying there is no danger, but selling a few gram/Oz won't get you killed... he's not talking about selling 5-10 kg a month lol.
So apparently, I'll be pulling in way more weed than expected. That's great, I want to sell but the only problem is, I don't have any customers to sell to. I know a lot of people in my city smoke weed but I'm not really sure who, and even if i did, how am i suppose to ask them if they want to buy some? do i just openly say it? Any advice appreciated
Hello Main-one
Rules to dealing
Sell to a few. Preferably 1 person per city, never your city..
Sell quality cheap and in bulk, I do 50-$100 Oz's.

Never grow in yiur residence. I got raided In sept.. Why I'm still here? Cause they raided my "trap house" with no ties to me stuff paid for, no ties to me

My harvests are accounted for early on, already paid for. My guy in San Marcus wants 20lbs every 2 weeks. He distributes it to local dealers.

Quality and price do the talking, my indoor costs me 28-37¢ per gram depending flowering time etc.. Show em dank and move weight. It'll sell out faster than you could ever produce
And no there's no reason to ever have a weapon
I do come from canada though, there is no such danger where I live, seem a lot more dangerous where you come from.

50-100 $Oz is a nice price, I wish you were living close to me :)
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I know many seller with really nice weed and none of them have a life like your. None of them Cary gun and none of them have been in story where 44 people die. I myself did sell weed for a "friend" and never felt in such danger, not even close. He's not asking to be the next weed cartel, all he want is sell his over stuck. Just sell it to close friend/family and you will be fine, never sell in place where you know someone else sold and you should be good. I'm not saying there is no danger, but selling a few gram/Oz won't get you killed... he's not talking about selling 5-10 kg a month lol.
Chase(op) makes no mention of the shit you spill,
until you know the facts keep you fly tight and lips puckered
and Welcome to RIU your 7th post since Saturday
Enjoy your stay?
So apparently, I'll be pulling in way more weed than expected. That's great, I want to sell but the only problem is, I don't have any customers to sell to. I know a lot of people in my city smoke weed but I'm not really sure who, and even if i did, how am i suppose to ask them if they want to buy some? do i just openly say it? Any advice appreciated

People who think they can learn to hustle overnight lol. You will not be a good dealer until you learn from experience. You're in for a long grind. But if you're hear asking about selling and you have no clientele?? You're just gonna end up getting robbed.
Chase(op) makes no mention of the she doesnt mention hit you spill,
until you know the facts keep you fly tight and lips puckered
and Welcome to RIU your 7th post since Saturday
Enjoy your stay?
he clearly said he wanted to sell is over stuck but never mention 5-10 kg/month like you did...I guess both of us doesn't know the "fact" since he did not mention how much overstuck he had. .What I know for sure is selling never been as dangerous for me than it is for you, and this is a fact. I did sleep well every night and never got scare to go outside unarmed. Even now that I grow, I still won't have a gun, neither on me or in my house. (Personal believe). Come sell in canada, you will feel alot more save :) And yes I do love this site, I'm not posting much but been reading ton of post, there is so much info on this great forum. I wish you all a great harvest with the best buds possible.
Don't get me wrong, I know very well that a gun evens the playing field. I'm just pointing out the fact that from a LEGAL standpoint, you can't have a firearm or weed on you at the same time. If you don't care about being legal, by all means carry both. I play it safe by putting the MM license under my name and putting my guns under my wife's name. I never keep the 2 in the same room. Even then, that's still a risk.
i have seen a guys get sprayed in the eyes with hci in a bottle of water that was pointing a gun at som1 i once new he was to blind to aim also couldent see which way the kicks were coming so guns aint all that good
I assumed "V" was relaying his story as a cautionary tale. My comment actually was to make him, and maybe others, smile ...not for cynical fodder. Every situation is going to be different. I too like a few guns where I can get to them. Everyone around me is safer because of it. Not just a belief, a fact. Has nothing to do with my growing. Speaking of, I too am working from a surplus. Its a good feeling. No plans to sell, though. It is going to be a fun Christmas though as friends and family who I know indulge are going to be quite pleased. Trying to figure out how to get it in their hands without them knowing the source. ;)
I assumed "V" was relaying his story as a cautionary tale. My comment actually was to make him, and maybe others, smile ...not for cynical fodder. Every situation is going to be different. I too like a few guns where I can get to them. Everyone around me is safer because of it. Not just a belief, a fact. Has nothing to do with my growing. Speaking of, I too am working from a surplus. Its a good feeling. No plans to sell, though. It is going to be a fun Christmas though as friends and family who I know indulge are going to be quite pleased. Trying to figure out how to get it in their hands without them knowing the source. ;)
Prof. Charles Branas and his colleagues at the university of Pennsylvania examined the link between gun possession and gun injury. The researchers matched these "control" for age, race and gender.They found that those with firearms were about 4-5 times more likely to be shot than those who did not carry, utterly belying the oft repeated mantra. The reasons for this, the authors suggest, are manifold. " A gun may falsely empower its possessor to overreact, instigating and losing otherwise tractable conflicts with similarly armed persons. Along the same lines, individuals who are in possession of a gun may increase their risk of gun assault by entering dangerous environments that they would have normally avoided. Alternatively, an individual may bring a gun to an otherwise gun-free conflict only to have that gun wrested away and turned on them". While defensive gun use may occasionally occur successfully, it is rare and very much the exeption- IT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT ACTUALLY OWNING AND USING A FIREARM HUGELY INCREASES THE RISK OF BEING SHOT.

They compared 677 case in witch people were injured in a shooting incident with 684 case in the same area that had not suffered a gun injury.
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Prof. Charles Branas and his colleagues at the university of Pennsylvania examined the link between gun possession and gun injury. The researchers matched these "control" for age, race and gender.They found that those with firearms were about 4-5 times more likely to be shot than those who did not carry, utterly belying the oft repeated mantra. The reasons for this, the authors suggest, are manifold. " A gun may falsely empower its possessor to overreact, instigating and losing otherwise tractable conflicts with similarly armed persons. Along the same lines, individuals who are in possession of a gun may increase their risk of gun assault by entering dangerous environments that they would have normally avoided. Alternatively, an individual may bring a gun to an otherwise gun-free conflict only to have that gun wrested away and turned on them". While defensive gun use may occasionally occur successfully, it is rare and very much the exeption- IT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT ACTUALLY OWNING AND USING A FIREARM HUGELY INCREASES THE RISK OF BEING SHOT.

They compared 677 case in witch people were injured in a shooting incident with 684 case in the same area that had not suffered a gun injury.

Lol, advocating for gun control huh........ FBI stats show plain as fucking day, violent crime is lower in geographical locations that the citizens are armed. I will never talk about what I own or don't own, but what I will tell you is my family and neighbors are way safer when I am around and it's not because we we're unarmed, if being unarmed makes you feel safer, great, come to my neck of the woods and hang out for a while. I'm a family man, no gangster, I still have a choice of calibers.
Lol, advocating for gun control huh........ FBI stats show plain as fucking day, violent crime is lower in geographical locations that the citizens are armed. I will never talk about what I own or don't own, but what I will tell you is my family and neighbors are way safer when I am around and it's not because we we're unarmed, if being unarmed makes you feel safer, great, come to my neck of the woods and hang out for a while. I'm a family man, no gangster, I still have a choice of calibers.
im not trying to convert a gun owner to a non gun owner, as i know how important guns are to american and i respect that. But i wont agree that it is a fact that gun provide safety when ton of study show its false. Than again, if you feel safe with a gun, good for you, it is still a personal belief and not a fact.
im not trying to convert a gun owner to a non gun owner, as i know how important guns are to american and i respect that. But i wont agree that it is a fact that gun provide safety when ton of study show its false. Than again, if you feel safe with a gun, good for you, it is still a personal belief and not a fact.
What is a fact is that I personally am able to handle situations that you cannot. I also don't see any of the Professor's generalizations applying to me. If they apply to you then I agree with your decision to remain empty handed.