How to get 2 lbs. per 1000watts


Well-Known Member
I wanted to look at the lollypoping method in your sig but youtube says I have to create and account because it's content that has been flagged for over 18. screw that... I hate creating accounts everywhere on the net for things like this.

I already do similar to what I'm guessing that technique is anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ,
the lollypopping technique is simply cutting the bottom 1/3 of the branches off, thus allowing the flowering energy to be forced into the tops.
I let me girls recover for about 10-14 days before changing light schedules. This minimizes stress, and a provides for an easier transition into flowering for your plants.


He says to let them get 24" in veg, would you top them once or something to get a bushier plant? Then lollipop any stuff along the bottom that doesn't look like its going to produce?? Sometimes you just get that one main cola if you don't top them. What are other people's opinion on this??