how to force a plant hermie????


Well-Known Member
If you read the article on that link, it seems a lot of strains, when stressed by growing 10-14 days longer then the flowering schedule, can cause the plants to grow some male Bananas out of the buds. This is a sort of defense mechanism to create a few seeds in a plant that wasnt pollinated.

I dont think you will get a definite answer, it takes time to get to know your strain and its really a trial and error thing. You would just have to go for it and try with 1 plant or something.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, its trial and error, there are no guarantees for your strain. But if it was me, thats what I would do, just leave 1 plant with 1 bud and let it grow longer. Keep a close eye on it, there might be 1 banana popping out of an 12" bud, if you have a pocket microscope you would notice it earlier if they did pop up.

If you do get some bananas, you can even harvest the pollen, and keep it up to 2-3 months in a freezer, just pop it out and you can pollinate a couple flowers on a nice plant. Check out that article, it was very informative.

Also check out this thread fdd started a last year, also very helpful.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
you likely wont get any seeds off this grow but you may be able to let 1 plant go a few weeks over and get some nanners off it that you can use to pollenate a few buds on your next grow.