how to flower in the summer? please help


Active Member
so i want to start a dna l.a. confidential and greenhouse church but i want to veg it only for a month then let it flower in the summer. ive never flowered ,midsummer i was told its possible if the plant is in the shade and only gets a smaller amount of direct light you can flower. tips anyone? i was thinking of putting them somwhere with more of a shadow when neeeding to flower

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I dont know about the shade thing, I think the plant will still be able to tell when the sun rises, however, I know someone that successfully flowered plants early by covering them with thick black plastic trash bags, to simulate 12/12. So lets just say, the sun rises at 6:00AM, then you would be covering them up at 6:00PM every night, and uncovering them every mourning, before sunrise.

Hope that makes sense.


Active Member
yes i see i just thought maybe somhow i could put them on a side of my house that got less sun do you think i could get it to flower if it only got a few hours of direct sun or would it just always know when the sun sets?


Well-Known Member
Good question OP but if you think about it the sun is still going to light up enough of the plant in the shade for the plant to stay in veg.

At least it seems like that in my mind.


Active Member
yea i guess its only possible if it gets sun from like one corner or somthin but in the shade real good... but thats just my 2 cents ive done outdoors plenty but this question is really making me think


Well-Known Member
Can I ask a few basic question about outdoor in your thread here since you have experience outdoors?


Well-Known Member
I grow in S.Fl. Started my plants on 1/31 under 24 hr cfl. I moved them outdoors on 3/10. They are now about 3-4 ft tall, or would be except i have them lst'd to about 1 foot tall. Each plant covers about 4 cu feet and are covered with flowers. They receive about 5 hrs of direct, and 7.5 hrs of shade at present. I grew in the same spot last year and averaged about 2 oz per plant. I hope to beat that this year with better nutrition and LST. I feel certain that I will, since they are already bigger!


Well-Known Member
Yes well my question is have you ever just planted in the soil provided by mother nature?

See I am not going to be able to haul in soil and only minimal nutrients/ amendments. The soil in my area is very good "black top soil" Kinda Like everyone in my area who owns a 10+ acres sells "black top soil"

I figure the trees, srubs, grass is green as shit in the summer here so weed would do the same I am hoping.


Active Member
yes i use native soil all the time im big on using min ferts to none at all always organic i llike fox farm, guano, making my own composts and soils, taking native soil from other spots that i think is better i use mollasses and epsom also but thats about it i yield great outside in the nice tropic sun without much ferts ive gotten two and a half o's from a bagseed plant outside that only was a foot and a half tall, i yield amazing from good strains and monster plants also tho i like to grow inside and top the fuck out of them. ive used many techniques but once i find somthin i like i stick with it for simpilicity effectiveness security and cost effectivity


Active Member
black soil is good we get alot of sandy grey soil where im from someone put a good link on diff kinds of soils here, but if you look around somtimes you hit the jackpot


Well-Known Member
I dont know about the shade thing, I think the plant will still be able to tell when the sun rises, however, I know someone that successfully flowered plants early by covering them with thick black plastic trash bags, to simulate 12/12. So lets just say, the sun rises at 6:00AM, then you would be covering them up at 6:00PM every night, and uncovering them every mourning, before sunrise.

Hope that makes sense.
Actually all he would have to do is keep them covered from 6pm until the sun goes down. Beats waking up at the butt crack of dawn every morning. :)


Well-Known Member
Actually all he would have to do is keep them covered from 6pm until the sun goes down. Beats waking up at the butt crack of dawn every morning. :)
Then how would one account for the slowly increasing/earlier sunrise over a 2 month period?. You would have to slowly take that bag off a few minutes earlier, or daylight would still be on the increase. The best way is to pick 2 set times daily, which of course have to be totally adhered to.

And the hell w/that b/c you'll have no social life for 2 months unless you have help.


Well-Known Member
Search light depravation it will help your understanding . Depending on your latitude we are getting 13+ hrs of sun on south faces so I am already pulling a shade at 38* north


Well-Known Member
Then how would one account for the slowly increasing/earlier sunrise over a 2 month period?. You would have to slowly take that bag off a few minutes earlier, or daylight would still be on the increase. The best way is to pick 2 set times daily, which of course have to be totally adhered to.

And the hell w/that b/c you'll have no social life for 2 months unless you have help.
I guess it's up to the guy how he wants to do it. I never tried it and probably never will for that reason. But personally, if I were to do it I'd probably want to me a little chart up ahead of time to know when to cover it up every evening. This way you only gotta worry about it once a day. You can take the cover off anytime you want as long as it is dark.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's up to the guy how he wants to do it. I never tried it and probably never will for that reason. But personally, if I were to do it I'd probably want to me a little chart up ahead of time to know when to cover it up every evening. This way you only gotta worry about it once a day. You can take the cover off anytime you want as long as it is dark.
Before I set-up indoors, I did it using summer daylight and a darkened closet. I physically moved contained plants twice daily at set times from outdoors up a flight a stairs.

And it