How to Feed with FoxFarm


Hi guys,

I'm a new grower and don't know how to feed my plant with FoxFarm nutes. Could you please tell me how to use nutrients? As i have heard it is good to feed every third time of watering with 1/4 or half of what the schedule says. Also i wonder how often should i check the pH and should i add the pH adjuster with only food or with only water? Your help will be very much appreciated.
Sorry for my bad English.


Well-Known Member
How old are your plants? Im in week 5 of flower and i give 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of big bloom and tiger bloom.i didnt give any nutes during veg they grew fine in fox farms ocean soil


I haven't planted yet. I don't have foxfarm soil. 1.5 teaspoon is it the half strength of what is said in schedule?


Well-Known Member
Well i started at 1 teaspoon of each.just dont give your plants nutes till there 2 weeks need to feed seedlings.i feed,water,feed,water.


Well-Known Member
Most soils have nutes that last at least 30 days. Use the FF trio, but switched to milliliters cause its easier for me. I start with 10ml Big Bloom and 5 ml Tiger Bloom per gallon, when they hit the flower rm, watering every 2 days, alternate with water ph'd to 6.0. Ph your water after you add the nutes. About 3 weeks into flower I bump up the nutes to 15ml BB 10 ml TB. Once or twice in flower I will throw 5 ml Grow Big in the mix. I'm probably on the light side for strength, but I hate nute burn.


Well-Known Member
Yea allways look at ph to be safe.but once you get around 2 weeks you should have some full fan leafs and u can feed her.just start at 1teaspoon of growbig and 1teaspoon of big bloom both mixed in gallon of water