How to explain my room

Considering I'm a single guy I rent a large house so I can have a grow room. The problem is I would like to be able to entertain at my house without having people discover my hobby. While I'm legal that never seems to stop local law enforcement with a chip on their shoulder.

My problem is I have a room with two exit vents through the door and black plastic hanging over the front. Anyone have any great ideas on how I can explain that to people without actually incurring any interest to look inside?

Thanks! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
say your retarded child was locked in the room, and got so upset, he started throwing his own feces all over the room and child protection services showed up to take him away, and deemed the room state evidence. no one may enter the room.
The door is locked however there are two exit vents coming through the door and a little light reflected through the venting. Been trying to think of how to explain that and why people can't go in.

People ask questions and dodging or not answering those questions leads peoples imaginations to think up all kinds of crazy stuff. Last thing I need is some pissed off chick calling the cops saying I'm running a meth lab out of my house or something, ya know?


Active Member
Why not vent into the ducting that's probably in the room already? You'd also be wise to ditch the plastic and find another way to keep your room light tight. Go to the local auto parts store and pick up a roll of weather stripping use this around the door frame. For the bottom you could get one of those insulation bits they sell on infomercials or the broom like thing you see on rich people's front doors.


Well-Known Member
lock the door and throw a poster over it and only allow them over during the dark period when yer not worried about heat?


Active Member
The door is locked however there are two exit vents coming through the door and a little light reflected through the venting. Been trying to think of how to explain that and why people can't go in.

People ask questions and dodging or not answering those questions leads peoples imaginations to think up all kinds of crazy stuff. Last thing I need is some pissed off chick calling the cops saying I'm running a meth lab out of my house or something, ya know?
In that case, I'd put some thick black plastic on the inside of the vent, so the outside looks normal and dark. Maybe some black foam between the plastic and vent if you can still see the plastic.

As for why they can't go in, just tell them it's your hobby room. Maybe you're taking up a new hobby and aren't very good at it yet, so you don't like to show people. Hobby room is off limits. That would be a good excuse for closing off the vents too, maybe you're spraying chemicals or paint. Airbrushing... And that's why you keep it locked, so little hands don't wander in there and hurt themselves (if you have nephews or something).

Just something off the top of my head, I'm sure you can think of something better :)
Happy growing!!!
Why not vent into the ducting that's probably in the room already? You'd also be wise to ditch the plastic and find another way to keep your room light tight. Go to the local auto parts store and pick up a roll of weather stripping use this around the door frame. For the bottom you could get one of those insulation bits they sell on infomercials or the broom like thing you see on rich people's front doors.
There is no ducting in the room or else I would have. My last grow room I just hooked up my carbon filter to the central heating and was good as gold. I would have vented outside but it would be a bit conspicuous to have a bedroom with two open windows (intake and exhaust) in the middle of winter. For the door I've actually already used weather stripping but there were some gaps of up to an inch at parts and none at others. Whoever hung the door should be punched.
In that case, I'd put some thick black plastic on the inside of the vent, so the outside looks normal and dark. Maybe some black foam between the plastic and vent if you can still see the plastic.

As for why they can't go in, just tell them it's your hobby room. Maybe you're taking up a new hobby and aren't very good at it yet, so you don't like to show people. Hobby room is off limits. That would be a good excuse for closing off the vents too, maybe you're spraying chemicals or paint. Airbrushing... And that's why you keep it locked, so little hands don't wander in there and hurt themselves (if you have nephews or something).

Just something off the top of my head, I'm sure you can think of something better :)
Happy growing!!!
I like the chemical/painting idea. That's good. Would explain the need for ventilation and temperature control.


Well-Known Member
Invite your friends over on dark period and just take the black plastic off, if the door vents are same color as the door I doubt anyone would even notice or question.

If they try to go in and its locked i'm sure they're not going to be like why you locking doors in your own house?!

My friend always would say it was his office and needed it locked for confidential paper work. But he was in an industry where that could be believable. Without knowing you, it's hard to tell what you could tell them.


Active Member
Joke around with them and say "Im torturing little kiddies in there, Just joking Im only growing marijuana." That way they will go "Well thank god he isn't torturing little kids."

Ok but on a serious not why not replace the door with a blank door, and place air vents in the cieling and have the air blow up into the roof. But you say you're renting so how the fuck do you get away with a full grow room with a vented door like that lol


Well-Known Member
why not vent into the attic or window instead, then put a normal door up and seal it with panda film to hide the light that spills from the cracks. then when someone goes in there or trys to snoop, say it was your old roomates room an he hasnt gotten all his stuff, so its off limits