How To: DWC

wuz up vo hope its growing good .lol just put new pics of my mess 4 all to see checkem out bro some nice porn 4 yall all. sorry bout the yalll yallll i come from the big TX!
Voidobject I thought you looked familiar from your avatar. Maybe Jake Harris from Deadliest Catch. But after seeing a couple of your YouTube vids I realize it must be the Uni-bomber resemblance that caught my eye. Lol +rep for the nice videos and the celebrity lookalike. Leo up the good work!

Care to bend my ear with your opinion of NFT?
Voidobject I thought you looked familiar from your avatar. Maybe Jake Harris from Deadliest Catch. But after seeing a couple of your YouTube vids I realize it must be the Uni-bomber resemblance that caught my eye. Lol +rep for the nice videos and the celebrity lookalike. Leo up the good work!

Care to bend my ear with your opinion of NFT?

Everyone tells me I look like somebody. I never make a video with my hair fixed, though. In part that helps with people not knowing what I really look like in the real world.

NFT-- not for tourists? I've heard about it but I don't do anything with them.

BTW if you want a yield estimate you have to let me know how long you plan on vegging.
Everyone tells me I look like somebody. I never make a video with my hair fixed, though. In part that helps with people not knowing what I really look like in the real world.

NFT-- not for tourists? I've heard about it but I don't do anything with them.

BTW if you want a yield estimate you have to let me know how long you plan on vegging.

Well I conveniently omit my miserable failure of attempt #1. This is my first attempt at indoor and hydro. So I'm undecided on veg time. I've of course heard veg is a waste of time (Professor MJ) to advice such as yours that veg time directly effects yield. So since I'm so virginal how about this. With my set up, 12 ladies in bubble baths and 400w for every 4 plants, space is no issue. How long would you veg and why? What would you expect for dry yield.

I tried being your little rep whore but it said share the love. I guess you Were the last person I rep-ed.
lol don't worry about the rep.. I get like +10 from you, but you'd get like +100 from me so here you go +rep XD

Nah man whoever told you veg was a waste of time is either cloning from a mother plant and sogging.. or has all the money and time in the world to f@#$ around with multiple strains and they want them as fast as possible.

Veg time is directly related to yield, which is also dependent on how much lighting you have/what type. I did a 12/12 from seed.. you can check that out in my journal if you want to. Personally, I'll never do it again just because I know what's possible with veg and why plants need it.

Think about it 4 weeks of veg with 8 weeks of flower = 12 weeks. Just 8 weeks of flower time is obviously going to yield less.
I will be working with clones for the most part. my first cloning attempt I had 13 out of 15 root. so I can't do better that IMO. germing seeds has never been as successful as I'd like. So do you think veg is my best option with a 15 plant limit I would like to try for max yield.
sso is there an actual rep # I can check to boost or crush my ego accordingly? I only know to hit the button for kick ass tips and cool shit. lol
sso is there an actual rep # I can check to boost or crush my ego accordingly? I only know to hit the button for kick ass tips and cool shit. lol

Yeah go to your profile and check it out.. or it might be myrollitup I can't remember I'm baked =p

Btw if you want max yield you're going to want to veg. How long should be dependent on your light(s).
Yeah go to your profile and check it out.. or it might be myrollitup I can't remember I'm baked =p

Btw if you want max yield you're going to want to veg. How long should be dependent on your light(s).

Sweet. I'll look for it. It will be nice to see how much more I need to elevate above a douche bag with a freshly rolled joint. Lol

You beat me to it! I was just heading for the garage and my first green crack knifer of the day. So Ta tas for now! Oh WTF Ta tas are great anytime!
:cry:If you are shelling out 100 points a rep then you must not have rep-ed me cuz I'm rolling with a mere 24 woppin points.:cry:

And to think I almost became your rep whore? Lol

If you forgot then hit that button man. If I ain't earned it yet even better! I love a challenge.
Keep that knowledge flowing though.
Check again NWMED. I didn't do it directly after I posted.. but you know, I could only be worth like +50 rep or w/e. There are bigger fish out there than me that can rep you better, but check again it should be on there.
Damn talk about down right spoiling a guy. Are you gonna come and maintain it for me when I'm up and running? Lol I feel like all I have to do is harvest and enjoy! Wow this is the hands down greatest new thing to hit the grow world since god made the big dirt ball for us to plant our favorite herb!
Damn talk about down right spoiling a guy. Are you gonna come and maintain it for me when I'm up and running? Lol I feel like all I have to do is harvest and enjoy! Wow this is the hands down greatest new thing to hit the grow world since god made the big dirt ball for us to plant our favorite herb!

Check again NWMED. I didn't do it directly after I posted.. but you know, I could only be worth like +50 rep or w/e. There are bigger fish out there than me that can rep you better, but check again it should be on there.

Lol I was just fucking with you. I'm goin to put a beware of smartass warning in my signature. I could care less about rep or big fish. I came here to learn how to grow so much grade A meds meds that I have to donate my surplus to other patients in need just t stay under the possession limit! Not looking to profit or show off. Thanks to you and a few others my grow has gone from 2-3 months away to the point that after a good 10hrs hard work I'll be growing. Thanks again. The site is shit!
Lol I was just fucking with you. I'm goin to put a beware of smartass warning in my signature. I could care less about rep or big fish. I came here to learn how to grow so much grade A meds meds that I have to donate my surplus to other patients in need just t stay under the possession limit! Not looking to profit or show off. Thanks to you and a few others my grow has gone from 2-3 months away to the point that after a good 10hrs hard work I'll be growing. Thanks again. The site is shit!

Donate? Man most cg's that donate take some kind of fee though I thought.. but f@#$ it I really don't know =p
Donate? Man most cg's that donate take some kind of fee though I thought.. but f@#$ it I really don't know =p

Your right. I'm no Mother Teresa. I'm legally entitled to collect donations for patients I'm a provider for. Or from a co-op or farmers market. "dispenseries" are technically illegal here. It's against the law to sell MM. Or to profit from it.

Is it me or is that the dumbest thing you ever heard? Basically they are inviting anyone who doesn't mind bending the rules a free pass to make loads of tax free $. How bass ackwards can they get? Our country is on the brink of economic collapse. Yet the government would rather roast marshmallows over the ashes then admit they could have been mistaken in the approach MJ.

It is truly sickening that they can sit I DC watching our own people starving and homeless when the mmj industry could likely single handedly bail out the economy. If it fell short. The industrial Hemp growers would undoubtedly finish the job and then some. Most people have no idea that the US spends more $ importing Hemp products than it would take to jumpstart the hemp industry. They could literally take that $ divide it among every out of business farmer and instantly solve not only our economic troubles but the fuel problems as well. That's right. Industrial hemp is not just a crop that provides endless textile goods of superior quality that can literally be grow in every climate twice as fast as any other crop. It is also a much more efficient source of ethanol then the current method that uses corn. Hey wouldn't that also free up the corn for grain and food source? But what do I know? I'm just a stupid stoner with wild and crazy theories no doubt the result of a build up of Bong resins on what is left of my braincells. Years of pot smoking must have shriveled my brain like a raisin. Wait pot doesn't kill braincells? That is just another government lie to cover their true motives behind the "DRUG WAR"? That's absurd! They would do something that obviously brings harm to our people and fuels a multi billion $ black market that gives drug cartels an endless $ supply and more technology than the average country. OR WOULD THEY? IMHO every last one of those slimy bastards should trade places the non-violent drug offenders rotting in federal prisons around this country.

I could go on. I've written college essays and speeches on the subject. But I think that's gives an idea of my take on this defunct sespool we refer to as government.

So you decide is my brain pickled in bong wash? Or are we locking up harmless citizens for breaking truly laughable laws? Could the real dangerous criminals have been hiding in plain sight (DC), all the while living like fat cats and laughing at us for buying something as absurd as a "War on Drugs"?

You decide! And when you do, don't sit on your shriveled raisin pouch feeling sorry for yourself. Grow a pair and speak out against the atrocity! If yours won't grow I'm sure Professor Marijuana, or the hand full of true crusaders responsible for our state level MMJ laws have enough balls to go around. We are talk bowling ball size solid brass cajones! UNCLE MARIJUANA NEEDS YOU! ENLIST TODAY THERE IS A WAR TO BE WON!!!!

* I'll stop for now. Before the goons kick my door in lol!
Check again NWMED. I didn't do it directly after I posted.. but you know, I could only be worth like +50 rep or w/e. There are bigger fish out there than me that can rep you better, but check again it should be on there.

What do you think of my smartass disclaimer? See signature. Think it will help? People keep take me to serious when I mess with them.