How To Diagnose The Problem And Fix It?


Well-Known Member
Ok, recently transfered a rootbound plant that was is a 1 gallon container to 5 gallon container , I gave it superthrive and water, waited two days gave it a low dose of veg food, want this to become my mother plant. It was already showing yellowing and leaf crinkling before the transfer, now my question is should I flush it?? Can nurse the plant back to health and be able to take clones from it eventually? Should I cut off the leaves that are yellow and crinkled, how much water should I be giving a plant in a 5 gallon container each time?


Well-Known Member
A plant can take a little stress. The other day I added to much dry powder fertilizer to a pair of indicas I have growing in my backyard. I haven't bothered to flush since its only small burning on the tips and because its powder, flushing might make it worse. if its liquid fertilizer I would flush.

Taking clones is good. Even the best of us accidently damage a plant and cloning gives us a second chance.

I would watch the new growth carefully. If its not burned that bad you might just want to let it recover on its own.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, I'm just really try to get my
Measurements dialed in, i'm looking for an outline of how to feed weekly from seedling till flowering, it seems like the last couple of grows I have run into these defiancies. I would love to be able to grow without these setbacks? Like does every water everyday? How much in ounces of water is given when it's in 1 gallon container? 5 gallon container?what's the rule of thumb, water, water, feed, water , water? Per week?


Active Member
30% nutrient strength and water (for example) Monday, not tuesday or wednesday, and water thursday. not friday and saturday, and water sunday. then wednesday, then saturday. thatll help you find what your plant likes. maybe it needs more water if its drying up fast. its easier to recover from under watering that over watering. when the first inch of soil is dry, water. daily interaction with your plant is the best thing. cut the damaged leaves off. i hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
You want to dial it in so you don't have to think. This is the answer.....Sunleaves Peruvian Seabird Guano hydro stores or ebay (10 - 10 - 2) offers the highest quality in organic fertilization and is even Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed. At about $15 you will thank me later. I dare you to compare with the hassle of getting liquid ferts. measured right without burning the plants. The trick is it is time released in pellet form. From clone start with a couple pellets in the transfer to dirt small pot pint or 1 gallon. I don't see any need to go higher the 3 gallon pots (i suggest the plastic 10 cent bags then plastic pots bought from a hydro store). Fert. monthly using a sharpe pen to poke a hole 3 inches deep and fill with guano, then fill in with dirt. Water normally.

Watering normally will be best by watering plants and picking them up to feel the weight of the plant full of water. The plastic bag/pots are so light it is easy to know when they are dry and ready to water. Water when pot is light to pick up. depending on the heat of the room water maybe on the 4/5 day mark. Go to 5 gallon pot size isn't best to judge the water.

Lastly, the plants like to have a slight dry period before watering. Never let leaves drop but an extra day when you know they need water is liked by the plant. It is a true weed plant in comparison to weeds in a yard.....weeds thrive in dry weather.....good luck it's been a while to check out these parts but I know what works...good luck..


Well-Known Member
...i'm looking for an outline of how to feed weekly from seedling till flowering, it seems like the last couple of grows I have run into these defiancies. ... does every water everyday? How much in ounces of water is given when it's in 1 gallon container? 5 gallon container?what's the rule of thumb, water, water, feed, water , water? Per week?
I don't use the same nutrients, but whenever I'm trying to dial in my measurements I think back to grade school when we had to do science experiments and I apply the scientific method. You may want to google "plant science experiments" for some easy to follow tutorials. I trust my own experiments over the manufacture recommendation because strains can very in their needs.

As for watering, if growing in containers its very easy. Lift the container to feel the weight, add water until you see water running off, than lift container again. Everyday you lift the container, and water only when the top inch of soul is dry and the container feels light.

There is no rule of thumb because you water and fertilizer as often as need. The trick is to take detailed notes, observe, and adjust your methods accordingly. It can take several grows of the same strain to dial in the nutrients just right.