How to design a solar powered grow room?


Active Member
put your plant outside and let the sun do its job. ;)
very nice!

on the other hand, a solar powered set up, im assuming multiple 600 to 1000 watt bulbs would be one hell of alot of solar panels/batteries, inverter/ect.... not really feasible. it would be an extremely expensive endeavor.


Well-Known Member
very nice!

on the other hand, a solar powered set up, im assuming multiple 600 to 1000 watt bulbs would be one hell of alot of solar panels/batteries, inverter/ect.... not really feasible. it would be an extremely expensive endeavor.
true, not cheap, but also off grid = clever.


Well-Known Member
You talking a shed type deal in the woods? Or house extension, etc... ?

Buy enough solar panels / etc for your constant wattage needs, wire it all together, bingo. Done. Everything from location to size goes into this. Will there be a water source at the grow location, river/well/faucet ?

I always dreamed of having a massive underground grow operation, under a cabin deep in the woods, using alternative energy. Takes a ton of overhead to make things like this kick start in a timely manor. But the pay off would be quite worth it. Within a year depending on going rates you could have the whole set up paid off, if one has the right connections to move some heavy ass weight.
I understand the concept...but to make it feasible you would have to move massive quantities of dope.

I spose to start you could go small and use an LED set up? I reckon with lights batteries panels inverters etc you might get away with like US$2000? for like a 500watt set up? but then again...for such little power and so much cost just stay on the grid and use an HID?


Active Member
Sky high prices but yea it would be simple buy solar setup and plug in your lights. Like the above says $20,000-35,000 is a common solar setup price. Just grow outside unless your loaded... and if you are loaded let me hold a dollar.


Well-Known Member
nice idea

i remember thinking about this solar power stuff before, i ended up looking at some crazy shit
if money is no option, have the best of both worlds !

this thing tracks the sun, captures the light from the sun and sends it down fiber optic cables
real sunlight in you indoor growroom !

its only good for 160,000 lumen which is less than a 1000w hps, so it would be costly lol
