How To Delete A Thread?

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Active Member
I had by accident double posted a thread in Haullicents ?spelling the thread is poppies.
How do I delete one. Thanks
they delete nothing from this site even on request

I beg to differ...

There was a thread this morning that questioned Subcools new Plushberry. He was asked why he responded to the question "How do you know it's Kush?". His response was, "Because I say it's Kush!"

Really? Because YOU say?? Anywho, the thread is no longer around....

It was titled "Plush Berry"
I beg to differ...

There was a thread this morning that questioned Subcools new Plushberry. He was asked why he responded to the question "How do you know it's Kush?". His response was, "Because I say it's Kush!"

Really? Because YOU say?? Anywho, the thread is no longer around....

It was titled "Plush Berry"
subcool's deleting shit eh?
jgould started the thread. Yeah, I want to flush my plush beans now. I had seen this vid he put out doing a smoke test on plush. I'm no weed guru but every type of Kush that I have ever smoked was dense. This shit he had was very airy. Nothing like I have seen from a Kush strain.
you can still grow an airy kush with lack of lighting and incorrect ph lol and the only real way to get your posts deleted is if you talk to an admin or moderator - you are able only to delete your post within so many days and edit it within so many hours.

If you do get in touch with an admin they will help sometimes - but it depends on your situation.
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