How to deal with smell? help appreciated


Well-Known Member
Ok so just put plants into flower been vegged for 5 weeks - theyre looking great and smelling better - pity others dont see it that way; how do i deal with or mask the smell , cost effectiveness is an issue pretty broke atm.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Move the grow area to the attic. The roof vents will do all the work and cutout the need for filters.....but the heat will be an issue in the summer months.


Well-Known Member
My attic is an absolute oven, i wouldn't bother putting it up there. I use to vent into the attic and the whole house stank as well as the backyard.


place an add on cl growers throw away charcoal filters all the time I have an extra one im tossing this week


Active Member
1 carbon filter
1 pail of Ona gel
and whatever size ozone generator that you need.

You will probably always be using the filter and occasionally be using the others.

Tip on the ona gel, put a small amount into a open container and put in front of your exhaust fan. The pail will last way longer than if you put the fan on the pail. Of course if you're op is very large, you may need the whole pail.

Some things to look up anyway.



Well-Known Member
plants are living in a closet in the attic with me lol, windows are kept open so they get air and closet door is usually ajar, so in this sense i dont have an extractor or inline air supply which is why carbon filters etc wont really be appropriate, anyone used just the ona gel to deal with the smell, currently using oil burners which are just masking the smell. Also are there any cheaper versions of this ona gel which are as effective. Thanks for all suggestions
you dont need an inline or even out air vent, the carbon filter will still work and you will always have air that leaks into/out of any property, with the filter on you could open a window to help assist the air changes, also put a hole low down in the grow room to draw in new clean air, I have grew with no windows and had very decent results but I would always recommend to get a carbon filter before you even buy a light, its essential.


Active Member
If you're not using a fan, I'm not sure how the carbon filter will do anything. The ona gel is very powerful, and you will only smell the ona gel. The scent I have smells like an industrial cleaning agent. Not bad, but not a summers breeze either. I never smell anything over that smell so it works. If you are living in the area, you probably shouldn't use the Ozone generator option. Try out the Ona or see if you can build/get a carbon filter with a fan. Goodluck


Well-Known Member
yeh edispliff thats what i was thinking, gonna get the gel for the meantime and look into getting the carbon filter fan combo when i have a few quid to spare. Ty