How to cure and dry out bud the right way


ok so worms have been eating my buds and i took the dead shit off but i accdentaly riped off a good cola and i tryed to dry it out but it didnt turn out right
it didnt really smell like bud and it way way to dry??
i let it dry out for a few dys and them put it in a jar what did i do wrong?
and aonther thing i gave my dad some bud off my plant and he just set it on his dresser and today he showed me and it was nicely done??and smelt like i drying it at to high of temps?let me know anything helps/

tell me how u dryed it out..
im looking fowared to selling some of my shit andi want some desent bud to sell to me friends so plase let me knoe//


Well-Known Member
It should hung in a dark dry space with a fan blowing on it. When the stems snap instead of bending, they're dry. Then you put them in jars and burp them daily (few times a day in the beginning). If you see moisture buildup inside the jar, then take them out and air dry them more. You are checking them in the jars for mold. Turn them around and stuff, just be careful when handling 'em. 2 weeks drying 2 weeks curing (your mileage may vary).


Well-Known Member
I haven't tryed it this way, I just helped my buddy do this. (Poopmasters way is the only one I've tryed) but with my next crop I'm doing it this way: Buy some dry ice from SafeWay (equal to the amount of bud you want to dry out. If you're drying a pound, use a pound of dry ice) Then get one of them stirofome coolers from right aid (like 6 bucks). Then put the dry ice in the cooler and your bud in a strainer on top of the ice and put the lid on. Give it 24 hours. Then take your bud out and let it dry anouther 24hours in a dark dry place. The dry ice makes CO2 gas that burns up all the moisture in the bud without evaporating any THC. Do it this way, and your bud will have a higher THC content. My buddy just brought his bud over yesterday and it was some tasty DANK. It's faster and the THC content ends up being higher. Trust me, bro this is the way your gonna want to do it. There's plenty of other ways you can use the dry ice too. You don't have to use the stirofome cooler and all that. Google Dry ice curing for marijuana and diffrent idea pop up. If you do it this way hit me up and let me know what you think


Well-Known Member
i hang it in a dark room for a week or so then i cure it for like a week this usually works out well for me


thats perty smart..ill dry haft of me buds [when there ready to be dried] and ill let you know but i need to try that i never heard that befor good idea..ill hit u up when its done,,,,but i should just get that styire foam stuff i know what ur talking about// and umm get dry ice eaual to what im drying and set the ice on the bottom and let that buds hang and thats all?or can i set a jar on top of the ice with it open and lert them dry like that>?or just let them hang?and thats all??/
I haven't tryed it this way, I just helped my buddy do this. (Poopmasters way is the only one I've tryed) but with my next crop I'm doing it this way: Buy some dry ice from SafeWay (equal to the amount of bud you want to dry out. If you're drying a pound, use a pound of dry ice) Then get one of them stirofome coolers from right aid (like 6 bucks). Then put the dry ice in the cooler and your bud in a strainer on top of the ice and put the lid on. Give it 24 hours. Then take your bud out and let it dry anouther 24hours in a dark dry place. The dry ice makes CO2 gas that burns up all the moisture in the bud without evaporating any THC. Do it this way, and your bud will have a higher THC content. My buddy just brought his bud over yesterday and it was some tasty DANK. It's faster and the THC content ends up being higher. Trust me, bro this is the way your gonna want to do it. There's plenty of other ways you can use the dry ice too. You don't have to use the stirofome cooler and all that. Google Dry ice curing for marijuana and diffrent idea pop up. If you do it this way hit me up and let me know what you think