How to control the odor of drying cannabis?


Active Member
Alright here is the situation... my buddy has to harvest early due to the scourge of all married men will be coming out till February because of emergency home reconstruction... yes folks for those who have already caught on my friends mother in law is coming out for some time because a pipe was shattered and it is going to take some time to replace the now decaying plywood subfloor. Due to this new development he will be needing a place to dry and cure the cannabis hence where I come in. But as a somewhat experienced grower I know drying the herbage can reek to high heaven, low hell and everywhere in between. Where I live I am not allowed to grow, (rental property) but it is a house so I can dedicate a room to drying and I don't have neighbors right on top of me to worry about either. But I do have neighbors 40-50 ft from the house on either side. Mormon's whom I just happened to brooch the subject of state marijuana law's to find (no surprise) they are avidly against Cannabis in any form medicinal or not permitted or not. And licensed or not I just don't want any grief from the neighbors...

So how do ya suggest I try to control the odor? I have a "green" room I use for medicinal use that I can borrow to dedicate to drying but the big factor... is the pungency. How do ya control it? Any suggestions for my situation?


Active Member
if there are a/c vents, close them or cover them. keep the windows closed , keep the door closed. a carbon filter with a a fan is the pro way to do it, has them


Active Member
^^ good advice.
on top of that, you can try ona gel, and a ion/ozone generator. to try to get whatever escapes the room


Well-Known Member
-- neighbors 40-50 ft from the house -- So what? Keep the windows closed and you'll be cool. Unless of course you're talking a couple of hundred plants.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
this is why god created inline fans and carbon filters.

keep em in a closed room and run the fan/filter in there to scrub the air.


Active Member
-- neighbors 40-50 ft from the house -- So what? Keep the windows closed and you'll be cool. Unless of course you're talking a couple of hundred plants.
No just one cross of some kind of skunk dutch passion used to have bred with a local heavy indica. And boy that baby stinks something good. But even though it's one plant I must admit honestly I have never seen a plant like that before in real life. Pictures yes but never have I seen such a giant friggin' cannabush in person before. He didn't manicure the lower area like I would have personally so it's hard to estimate but conseratively I would guess this sucker will yield 1 and 1/4th of a lb to 1 and 1/2. This is a guess though as I have never grow anything bigger than 9 oz's dry.

Ok folks I'd toss a carbon filter into the array but the humidity would lower the lifespan of the dang thing to an incredible degree! But for safety sake and to avoid a hassle with these mormons.... it may be worth it. Thanks for your thoughts guys, will take everything into consideration.

cook liver and onions every day
Ah gave me an idea! I love to garden and I still have a bunch of shredded cabbage in the freezer, nothing like cabbage to block off some odor. :P