I started to write it out but it was taking too long, I wrote like a whole page of shit, and then I realised that what I was doing could be read by other people in the future who might try it and have an accident and cause some damage to themselves or their property. So I'm sorry but you'll have to search it up yourself if you want to know how to do it. I can give you some pointers that make all the difference though...
When you roll your first spots, roll them very small, about the size of a coriander seed... But make them really hard with no loose edges. they should be like a tiny pebble. Make sure you only use bud, no leaves, stems or seeds. This is for your best buds. Put your leafy stuff in the bong.
You don't need to wait very long for the knives to heat up, most people leave them on far too long. 1-2 minutes for the first spot, 30 seconds after that.
You don't want to use plastic bottles for funnels, just take the lid off your rizzla packet and roll it up longways really small about the size of a McD's straw then wrap a paper around it to hold it closed, and use it to inhale the smoke like a straw.
You don't scoop the spot onto one knife with the other one, you pick it up by dabbing the knife onto the spot like you're pressing a button, when the knife is in the right temperature range, the spot sticks to it like a naan sticks to the wall of the tandoor. If the bud is really sticky, it sticks to the plate or whatever it's on, so then you need to develop a press and scoop motion.
The next part is the most important part of the whole thing...
You must find the right temperature for the knives. 99% of people pick the spot up while the knives are still far too hot. You want the knives to be only just hot enough so that after you've inhaled the spot, the remaining ash is not quite black but very dark brown, and stuck like a patty to one knife. Then you know the spot was a pretty good temperature. If it's completely black, the knives were too hot. If you can't pick the spot up by touching it with the knife, the weed is too wet or the knife is too cold. If you squeeze the spot and the smoke comes out really slowly and looks brown, and the spot is still light brown or green when you're finished inhaling, it was too cold. The knives have to be off the heat for about 20 seconds before they really get too cold, but the sweet spot for most knives is around 10-15 seconds after coming off the heat. Do not pick the spot up less than 5 seconds after the knives come off the heat.
When you squeeze the spot with the hot knives, you will probably miss most of the smoke off your first one or two because your knives are too hot and you squeezed too hard. Focus on pressing very lightly when you squeeze the spot. You want to breathe in very slowly too, so that your breath takes around 7-10 seconds to inhale. Try to burn it slowly enough to catch every single little bit of smoke with the hooter (rizzla straw thing). When you have enough practice you can catch over 90% of all smoke.
Sometimes the spot will be really slippery too and the knives will slip apart when you squeeze them together. This is when people burn their face with the knives and walk around with a knife shaped burn on their lip or chin. This is because they hold the knives too flat when squeezing.
99% of people make this mistake too. You have to train yourself to hold the knives vertical while squeezing the spot so that if they slip, it hits your shirt instead of your face.
DO NOT lean over the heat source at any time, especially when inhaling the smoke.
DO NOT forget the knives are on and walk away to do something else while they heat up. Don't even leave them unattended at all.
Keep all flammable things well away from the heat source. Use common sense and don't be a dumbass.
The truth is that you have to be extremely careful or you could easily burn yourself or your property.
I don't advise people do this if they're the type of people who are clumsy and usually forget about things or mindlessly leave things lying around the place. I take no responsibility for any damage to any person/s or property. Do not try this at home.
Fucking hell look at that I wrote a whole page again. Too much to delete so I'll just leave it there. I hope you or somebody uses all that knowledge instead of just thinking I'm crazy lol like I said if you want to taste your Ganja... Actually you could probably get the same thing from a vape but I don't have access to them so spots for me.. Damn that was too much writing, time for some spots..