How to conceal shiny ventilation tubes in the window?

You can see them from a mile away. I've heard of using a fake fan, but I haven't been able to find any. I'll also need to insulate the rest of the window, because if the pipes freeze it's gonna be a real bad time.
You can see them from a mile away. I've heard of using a fake fan, but I haven't been able to find any. I'll also need to insulate the rest of the window, because if the pipes freeze it's gonna be a real bad time.
Curtains? Panda film behing the curtains and cut a hole in the panda film... duct goes through panda film and forces the air out past the curtain... nobody can see shit
A gutted window AC hanging out of the window. Basically just the main housing to act as a decoy. You could even screw it to the window frame from inside the housing, so it doesn't budge for added security.

Keep the condenser coil of course. Maybe even re-use it to send heat coming out of the exhaust (blowing out through the AC housing) back to the evaporator coil with glycol, with another fan on it to warm up another room. Recover some of the heat your wasting,

Basically like a heat pump recovery ventilator, and super secret exhaust in one.

Spray paint the inside of the ducting? I've done than, but only on rigid ducts. Not the flexible dryer hose kind. I could see lots of flakes being blown the more it gets handled.

Another idea.. I've made 99.99% light trap vents using aluminum z channel flashing before. Cutting long strips into many little peices, then spray painting them black, 2 coats. Stack them all up with shims between each one for a small gap. I used strips of sticky backed vinyl floor tiles and glue, but thick double sided carpet tape might work best. Just tape the hole core together in no time. Even used the same flashing to put a frame around the stacked core. You could make one whatever dimensions you need.
Are you venting out the window? Ac infinity duct tubing is solid black. If you’re not venting out the window just use a heavy curtain, I have a cut up grow tent blocking the window in my tents’ room. Total blackout.
Would a 90° bend tube pointed toward the ground help? You may also cover it with a pantyhose :)
I remember reading about someone using speakers to conceal his grow exhaust through the window, it was in some DIY section on some forum :)
Make a baffle.

Create a box around the window frame that brings the air in one side from the room but exits the other side. Or the air comes in on the top and out the bottom, or vise versa. Paint all parts black.

I used to use 2x12s to make the frame around the window, this gave me plenty of depth to not restrict airflow. I was usually venting with 8" inclined fans and ducting. The air comes in one side of the frame, runs into a "stopper board" that is flush with the wall/window. The wind comes in, hits a board, and travels through a "mouse house" to get to the other side of the window. Line all of the inside of the baffle with black egg shell foam to reducesound and light retraction. So I made a "mouse path" inside the baffle, usually keeping qt least 8-10 inches square for the path to not restrict much air flow.

It is very hard to describe. I will see if I can find a useful diagram
"Create a box around the window frame that brings the air in one side from the room [edit, baffle not room] but exits the other side. Or the air comes in on the top and out the bottom, or vise versa. Paint all parts black."

Create a box around the window frame that brings the air in one side of the baffle (framed box) but exits the window on the other side of the baffle (framed box)
I would box in the window, cut a hole for the ducting and use heavy curtain, but also have a some space between the curtain and the board.
screw the window open a few inches, so it can't be opened any more from outside.
have a 1ft t5 screwed to the top of the box on a timer, so it switches on 8-10pm every night.
you want it to look like a used bedroom.
Idk if this would work for you but I thought about cutting little holes on the side of. Window AC unit so it just looks like it's part of the ac Screenshot_20211213-110046-612.png