HOW TO close out a journal


Active Member
I know a few months back I searched and *found* how to close out or finish a journal, so I can concentrate on a new one?

is there a how to ?

also where the heck is the "preferred payment method" ? I was going to be a paid subscriber for a while, but swear this is a tough web site / or I'm just getting truly burned out with the net after 30 years of it ;)

thanks for putting up with me


Well-Known Member
i dont believe you can become a paid subscriber here....from what i have heard it was something they did a while back (before i started coming here) and it just didnt work out. as far as journals no idea, i know you cant delete threads but never did a actual journal


Active Member
ok thanks, I could swear there was a way to close a journal, not delete it, just mark it as a done deal, and move onto anew active one ?


Staff member
a mod would have to close it if its a thread,
just make a new one. we generally dont close threads unless they are out of control with alot of negativity swearing and arguments


Active Member
a mod would have to close it if its a thread,
just make a new one. we generally dont close threads unless they are out of control with alot of negativity swearing and arguments
ok Sunni I got it, I must have misread that posting or I'm starting to imagine things, I'll leave that to you all's imagination ;) thanks