How To Choose 4 Out of 8? Indoor 400w Mind F*ck


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Been ages since iv logged on, thought id ask for some advice and post a pic or two.. First indoor grow, 400w mh. They all going at diff speeds and i know im only supposed to grow 4 plants under there but how am i supposed to get rid of 4????????:joint:


Well-Known Member
they grow at all different speeds because THEY ARE PLANTS...if you don't want to kill off your plants just flower them all earlier...the longer you veg the fewer number of plants your light will be able to sustain...but if you flower them earlier you can stick more under there as they will be smaller plants ;)


Well-Known Member
Shot, thanks for the advice. How early can you flower them tho? Do you not have to wait untill they show their "sex"??? How high do you rate i can get all of them before i flower...but without the additional lack of light? Can grab a mates 1400 watt hps but only got a 400w mh for veg at the moment.


Well-Known Member
You could have topped these weeks ago(you can top when there are as little as 3 nodes showing) can flower them any time...hell some people do 12/12 from seed making them go straight into flower production to keep the plants small...


Well-Known Member
you dont need much light in veg.. compared to flower .. if you can use 1400 watts in flower then.... flower them all.. plant numbers have nothing to do with it... it all has to do with the amount of light you have for the area your running .. in flower its normally 400 watts for 2x2-3x3 600 watts is good for a 3x3-4x4 area and a 1000watter will cover a 4x4-5x5 area.. this will ensure that you get the best results for the light you are using. Like other people said.. dont worry about the number of plants you flower.. just figure out what size you need to flip them in order to fit them all in your flower area.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, never knew that... and all the info iv checked out shows how to top and why but not much about when. Tomorrow im going to top them all! Thanks for taking time to reply


Well-Known Member
Nice one, thanks for the advice.. I have space on my side so will see how they go in veg and then use that 1400 to flower them all. (If they all end up being female; which they WILL) ;) i hope!


Well-Known Member
Anytime bro! .. good luck on the topping .. once you do it a couple times it will be second nature.. When people help ya .. you can always + rep em .. its the little star on the bottom of someones post...

Besides topping you can LST .. look into how to do it .. might be able to still do it on ur girls if the stems are still green and soft and not woody or brittle... LST and topping are just tools to help with the ultimate goal.. which is to have a nice full even canopy when you go to 12/12.. if your canopy is even and full .. then you will get the most yield possible for your lighting and area.. plant numbers have nothing to do with yield. I can get close to the same yield from 1 really big plant in a 2x2 area as I would from 4 smaller plants .. its all about a even but not over crowded canopy. Good luck with your grow bro!


Well-Known Member
Looking at your picture let me add something .. if they are from seed.. then I normally wait till they have alternating nodes before I mess with em.. see how all the nodes/ sidebranching are even on both sides of the plant.. once the plant is mature the nodes will start to alternate.. Also when you top ... dont forget that you can use those tops as clones.. that way you dont lose the genetics if it ends up being something special that you want to run again.


Well-Known Member
Sjpt bro, yea just figured that plus rep out haha no worries, you earned it.. Have researched LST'ing yea may give it a go... they are still nice and bendy.


Well-Known Member
Yea gonna wait till a see a few changes... nice save on the reminder there about the tops being clones, i woulda tossed the lot :( There are some nice crosses there and a few really A strains so would love to hang onto them.


Well-Known Member
What you should do is label each pot.. then when you take the clones .. label each clone to match the plant it came off of.. then once flowering is done.. you will see which ones came out the best.. and can run those genetics again from the corresponding clone.. the clone will be exactly like the plant you took it off of


Well-Known Member
What you should do is label each pot.. then when you take the clones .. label each clone to match the plant it came off of.. then once flowering is done.. you will see which ones came out the best.. and can run those genetics again from the corresponding clone.. the clone will be exactly like the plant you took it off of
Yea iv read up about cloning.. and i have all my plants labelled so will copy over to clone pots too and see what we can get.. will keep putting pics up! going to be fun!


Well-Known Member
So i topped 2 of them just to see what happens and used them for clones and put in steps so they all pretty much the same height..!
All went well i think... and i should be putting them into flowering in 2-3 weeks, have the light suspended on chains about as heigh as the roof so got plenty of space to let them grow bigger...
