How to best utilize this?


Well-Known Member
I have a ton of ground eggs shells and less but still a bunch of dehydrated ground banana peels. What's the best use for these?


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True but worms like to lay eggs inside broken eggshells which makes more baby worms. Eggshells sure take a mighty long time to break down but also provide a slew of benefits once they do. No reason you can’t put crushed shells into a recycling soil mix globally. Same thing with banana peel meal to a point anyway. If we are talking an actual full metric ton then yeah toss it in a pile out back under a tarp or something.
Sounds like it's good as long as you don't overdo it. Looks like Drysift is right about the reproducing thing too.

Sounds like it's good as long as you don't overdo it. Looks like Drysift is right about the reproducing thing too.

right... I HAVE over done it which is how I know lol.. but yes a few whole shells in the worm bin is GREAT... a gallon of finely ground shells... is a big no no trust me I have tried it... it does work in a pinch for them for grit (worms need sand or grit of some kind similar to chickens in a way) in the winter. Just trying to make MORE use out of it since I have so much. I also thought maybe the banana peels would be a good source of potassium for the plants... if not maybe I just start freezing them until I get a good amount and turn them into some FPJ (I know @Richard Drysift has experience with this with aloe from his other thread... which I still have a bunch of that going also.. too many things lol) maybe that is a better use and the shells will just have to go a little bit in the grass roots 5x5 bed and then rest save or throw out in the veggie garden or give them back to the birds.

thanks all!