How to add Nitrogen? (discoloring leaves)


Well-Known Member
Clone: 9 1/2''
Lights: 9cfl 26w
Temps: 79
Humidity: 35%

Hey guys I was wondering how you would add nutes. Ive done some research but most of you can get ur hands on things I cannot.

Its a clone planted in soil about 9 1/2'' tall and the bottom yellow leaf is starting to discolor alot now..Im sure its a nitrogen problem. Im just not sure how to add a fertilizer, maybe wait to transplant it and mix it with the soil? Or sprinkle some on top?

I have stores like walmart, home depot..etc. I heard most of there chems are strong. There are nurseries here also that I have been looking at but Im going to have to check again.

Any suggestions would help. bongsmilie on


Well-Known Member
I'd be checking the PH of the soil and the water you use first.
Soil grow - 6.5 - 7.0
Incorrect PH will lock out nutes. Low PH will lock out Nitrogen.
I recommend using some liquid ferts instead of putting it in the soil.
If you over nute the soil your fucked but you can easily get back on track if you fuck up a liquid mix.
For N based ferts use some 'thrive' or 'fish emulsion'. Start out with weak dosage and work your way up.
Look at the plant and judge what it needs strength wise.
Don't spray the leaves with anything, let the roots take up the nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your responses guys.

The soil that it was transplanted in was from TLC that included perlite, peat moss, etc...(I know a pre-mixed can be bad) but its been looking good and sprouting new tiny leaves at the very bottom near the leaf thats fading yellow. Oh forgot to mention its drains rather well..not to bad if u dont pack it down.

Ph level which i forgot to mention stays right at 7.0 and lower..Im not sure if they make items at stores like home depot etc. to adjust ph levels. But the water I get from the gas station is fine.

Im not sure what liquid ferts to use. I could use MG and add drops then what, just spray the soil instead of laying the fert on it? 8oz seems low though..These are ALL great ideas.

edit: Garden lime, gotta look it up. Hope its somethign I can get around here instead of a hydro shop

Here is something I also found . It has a ratio of 10-10-10.


Well-Known Member
Garden lime is alkaline and used for raising the PH in acidic soil. I don't think you need it if your Ph is 7.0
Give the roots a good drink of the ferts, spraying the soil will do fuck all.
Start with a weak solution at first and work your way up to full strength.


Well-Known Member
Garden lime is alkaline and used for raising the PH in acidic soil. I don't think you need it if your Ph is 7.0
Give the roots a good drink of the ferts, spraying the soil will do fuck all.
Start with a weak solution at first and work your way up to full strength.
"I like the way you do business!!"

Alrite Ill add some drops to 8oz, that seems so small amount of water though. I was thinking...more, im not quite sure how much. But then again im not sure I guess the water 2 plant food ratio would be right if you add the correct amount of drops and water. Test and see.


Well-Known Member
Mix enough to give her a good drink so you get plenty of run off.
This will stop the build up of nute salts in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Mix enough to give her a good drink so you get plenty of run off.
This will stop the build up of nute salts in the soil.
Im not 100 percent sure what you mean by run off.

I thought you just add some drops to your bottle of water, im not even sure how many drops or anything. And just moist the soil with the sprayer (mist) without hitting the leafs.


Well-Known Member
MJ likes a good drink then likes to dry out.
By run-off I mean water well. So plenty of water runs out the bottom of the pot after you've poured it over the soil.
Then let the pot dry out for several days until the top inch or two of soil is dry ,then rewater the same way.
Read the instructions on the bottle and then mix it at about 20% strength to start with.


Well-Known Member
MJ likes a good drink then likes to dry out.
By run-off I mean water well. So plenty of water runs out the bottom of the pot after you've poured it over the soil.
Then let the pot dry out for several days until the top inch or two of soil is dry ,then rewater the same way.
Read the instructions on the bottle and then mix it at about 20% strength to start with.
Could that be a problem with dry leaves? Not enough water?

When I DO water its not very thoroughly cos I worry a little about over watering..the 2nd time around after watering (twice or so a week) it didnt drain very well (like the first time around)...So im not quite sure.

Im waiting for my brother and then heading to go get plant food. Hopefully it will help. I appreciate ur time mammath.


Well-Known Member
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Can you get some pics of the plant up for me to look at?
Start watering like I've said and everything should improve.


Well-Known Member
OK, those dry leaf tips and spots are from heat stress.
Heat from the light combined with spraying the leaves will cause this.
Also improve your ventilation , get a fan blowing straight on the plant.
How hot does it get in there?
Red stems and light coloured leaves are a sign of Nitrogen deficiency, it's time to get some ferts into her.


Well-Known Member
OK, those dry leaf tips and spots are from heat stress.
Heat from the light combined with spraying the leaves will cause this.
Also improve your ventilation , get a fan blowing straight on the plant.
How hot does it get in there?
Red stems and light coloured leaves are a sign of Nitrogen deficiency, it's time to get some ferts into her.
Its a small area 3x3x3 with maybe to much light. I took out 3 and put them on the side of the plant hoping it will help.

I cut the tips off those leafs that was a pic from yesterday. Temps are alrite if anything it gets COLD..below 70 sometimes when I come back from I just place the space heater next to it lol. At one point I got a heat spike but couldnt of been for too long.

Humidity is good too. ur absolutely right it does need some ferts. Ill keep a bottle for misting and the other for nute spraying.

I went ahead and put the lights little higher too (I have screws on the side of the walls, the cfls are plugged in vanity fixture mounted to a board that I can move every 1 to 1 1/2 inch).


Well-Known Member
To check if your lights are too close use the back of your hand as a guide.
If it's too hot for your hand at plant level it's too hot for the plant.
Also, I wouldn't be misting it at all if the plant has roots.
If your humidity is fine there is no need to wet the leaves. It can actually cause more problems.
Ease up on the misting and let the plant draw it's water and nutes from it's roots.


Well-Known Member
To check if your lights are too close use the back of your hand as a guide.
If it's too hot for your hand at plant level it's too hot for the plant.
Also, I wouldn't be misting it at all if the plant has roots.
If your humidity is fine there is no need to wet the leaves. It can actually cause more problems.
Ease up on the misting and let the plant draw it's water and nutes from it's roots.
Alrite I will go ahead and try that. Do you think the nutes will stop the drying up? Time to just add it, a really nice fella on here told me 5 drops of whatever in an 8oz bottle..sounds right?

Man I misted 3 times already today b/c they were drying so fucking fast..I feel like an idiot! The humidity is between 30-45 sometimes 50%.

As far as the lights..thats what I was going off of until I thought about my grow area and how small it is. I would basically do what you mentioned (hand by light tech.) This is making me sick to my stomach for as long as I had it! Ill update and let ya know what happens after long you think till it shows?