how they looking

yea that was right after cloneing the onre in bud never get bushy the other are doing why bettter now will have new pics soon
hey boss man. you should try to use something other than aluminum foil to help reflect light onto the plant. Aluminum foil doesn't actually reflect light that well. Its also a good conductor for heat which isn't good for your plants not too mention its hard to keep clean. The better light source should help the stretched ones fill out a little more.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, what kind of light are you using? Those things are stretched to the max, which tells me you don't have near enough light, and/or waited a long time to transplant to those larger containers(which shouldn't be clear). You'll need to increase wattage by quite a bit, or else you'll get very little yield, I'm sorry to say.


Well-Known Member
most of them just look bad.
where are the fan leaves? Why are they so stretched? Why are they so tall?
there not streched relly i trimmed them like i tard so they look a bit sick ill post some new pics soon did you notice 2 pic are the one thats budding anf one strain allway grows like a tiwg but good pot i post some new ones