how they looking


Well-Known Member
the babies are about 2 weeks old under my 400w mh thats my setup the smalles one is bent because when i first put the babies under my 400w from my 40w flouros it scorched half of my palnts and these were the only ones that survived. they have healed very well though and my fan has ben doin a good job keeping the light from drying the dirt out again. i water them about 2 times a day with distelled.


Well-Known Member
thanks man...any advice???? i have fish emulsion 5-1-1 and shultz plant food 10-15-10 wat would be the best possible nutes i can by for veg and flowering?,product names or nute ratio would be helpful?


Well-Known Member
they are pretty nice for 2 weeks old. i got 3 at a month old today tha are only 8" tall and just added 150w hps light and yeast/suger/water mix for co2 in a 2-litter bottle a few days ago and what a differance. i dont know if it's the light or the co2 or maybe both but should have put them under the150w hps light when they first popped up. the nutes you are using are better than mine.i was told not to give nutes until a month old.


Well-Known Member
they are fine, but transplant them ASAP, I am sure they've already maxed out those small pots

my last babies were twice that size when they were 2 weeks old, in fact I vegged them for 3 weeks only and switched to flower

also make sure you add at least some perlite to your soil, that soil you have now won't drain too well IMO, and it will get worse with time


Well-Known Member
they are fine, but transplant them ASAP, I am sure they've already maxed out those small pots

my last babies were twice that size when they were 2 weeks old, in fact I vegged them for 3 weeks only and switched to flower

also make sure you add at least some perlite to your soil, that soil you have now won't drain too well IMO, and it will get worse with time

All of this is correct. You need to put each plant in at least a one gallon pot if you want them to grow and give you a decent amount of weed for all your effort. Also, you should only be watering them when the grow medium dries out a bit. Watering twice a day will keep the roots from branching out in search of water, and that's one of the biggest factors to getting big buds. BIG root system, BIG buds. Once they're in the bigger pots, you probably won't need to water but once every five days or so. When they get a bit bigger, feed them with a very low dose every third watering.


Well-Known Member
i transpanted them yesterday into bigger pots not gallon though i will post pics shortly.the roots were coming out the bottom of al the pots before i transplantd them and i do wait to they dry out.i have some kind of meter that tells me the ph lumen amount and how wet the soil is. i also was wondering if i could induce budding now to see which are female and reveg.there only about 5'' tall/3 weeks old


Well-Known Member
I myself have never tried to induce flowering to sex a plant, and then revert back to veg(nor will I try). I think you're asking for a "Hermie" by doing that. That has to stress the shit out of the plant I would think. Like I said, I never tried it so maybe I'm wrong. I have heard of some ppl putting a paper bag over one branch to get that one branch to show sex. Only thing is you have to be there to take the bag off after 12 hours of darkness every day, then put it back on after 12 hours of light. You would only have to do it for 4 or 5 days before you see pistils or a male staminate.


Well-Known Member
i transplanted but it still seems like they arent growing fast enough... 2 of them turned out to be males and i have turned the mh back on 18 light.someone please tell me the most effective nutes for vegging and for flowering....????
i will post pics shorlty..