how they look?


Well-Known Member
Day 16
It's now one day under 400W HPS. They now are in 0.5L(0,13gal) pots, after few day's I will transfer them into 5L(1.321gal) pots.
Do they look alright? in size etc.


Well-Known Member
from what ive read it promotes root rot. i use a colored cup on the outside of my clear cup to block light from roots.


Undercover Mod
You can use clear containers. Its a myth that sunlight is bad for roots. Roots can be hit by light it won't effect them. But being exposed to open air and sunlight will obviously kill them. (by drying them out)

This is a plant I have had in this container for about a month between my two mothers under a 150 hps.



Well-Known Member
ya wasn't sure if that was forum myth or fact....sounded reasonable.....but seems that it's just myth,.....chalk that up to a learning experience!


Well-Known Member
they look great! But why transfer into such small pots? r u going to do a very short veg period? This should be ur last transplant, so u should make sure ur pots r big enough for the rest of the grow.


Well-Known Member
It's a auto,
and I have read that 1-2 gal pots are perfect for this strain. Transfer to bigger pots?