ROFL, the sad part is that you actually think there's a faction within the party that is more or less progressive than the rest of the party. The party itself is already a coalition ranging from center right to slightly left of center, joined to try to defeat the extreme right. What Bernard did was to create an overnight inflatable movement of dumb ass patchouli scented kids together and convince them that they were "our revolution™" (no refunds) at the perfect time to deflate any chance of any actual progressive movement gaining steam when a generation of millennials were finally starting to listen to the growing waves of activists that had been shaping political rhetoric for many years and divert them back into the DNC.
That's why leftists call him a sheepdog. Try to keep up, young man. The rest of us have been politically aware for much longer than you. I for example was a founding member of a veteran's antiwar group before you were out of high school. Instead of being bewildered and hurt that I can't stand Bernard, why don't you quit pining for him and recognize that he was sheepdoggin all along, way before he spent months campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Seriously you berners are to the DNC as Rawn Pawl was to the GOP.