How the eff.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
So my bubbler just fell over 4 feet onto wood floors bounced 6 times and landed in a standing position...
HOW THE FUCK did it not break?
I hate near death experiences ):

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Im trippin out cause this is my thinnest glass piece ive had.. Shattered bongs, pipes, bubs before all usually on 1st fall.


Active Member
the bong angel is lookin out for you :P lol jk your luck i had a glass pipe that was triple blown which basicly means that it was blow once an they just wraped it in 2 clear sheats of glass an i dropped that on cement when i was high i picked it up an just brushed off the mark i dropped it about 5 -10 time then i just sold it cause it was to short people always burnt there hair i never did but o well i sold it to one of my ex's an she called me an i guess they smoked aan eighth an it was hot an she dropped it RIP Blue Bomber