How strong do most plants smell outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone i am planning for my first grow. I have come to realize that the smell may be an important factor when i grow outdoors. Can anyone give me any ideas of how strong most plants smell and if there are any types that do not smell as much? Right now i am looking at the auto flowering plants such as lowryder 2 and diesel ryder because they would be smaller and easier to hide.


Active Member
strong enough like as if someone were to walk by then they would be like wtf is that smell?
within a 5 foot radius prob only when its really budding though like full on buds lol thats


Well-Known Member
All plants have a smell to them, some more than others, like the skunks.
If it doesn't smell. I wouldn't grow it.
Outdoors, odour control it not to bad because of the massive air circulation and changing environment.
Get close to the plant in full sun and you'll smell it, but it won't stink your yard out.
Also think about doing some companion planting by planting other smelly plants around and in the vicinity.
Herbs like sage, thyme, garlic, and roses, chrysanthemums like pyrethrum etc. All smell more than a MJ plant outside.
Go to your local garden supply store and have a sniff around, you'll find heaps of stinky plants to plant with your MJ.
It's the drying you'll need to worry about more than anything. Indoor or outdoor MJ really stinks when it's drying.