How soon do you prepare your site?


Well-Known Member
I usually dig my wholes (about 2x2) and fill with a soil mixture a week before I plant, which is usually mid-May.
Anyone do anything earlier with there grow site? I live in a really rural area, so water,security and all that stuff is not a problem.


Well-Known Member
when preparing fresh spots i start as early as the weather permits. get out dig and get the soil in long before any vegetation starts growing. then when spring starts full on i haven't trampled the area with fresh tracks and a huge stomped down area where i dug. also the dirt you dug needs a place to go throwing it in a pile after everything is green is noticable if you do it early that pile will sprout plants and not stand out as much.
soil benefits from setting out as well worms and beneficial microbs start to colonize and you can put some ferts that take time to break down at this point to be available 40-50 days down the line when it comes time to plant. realy there are many benefits to starting early and only one drawback i can think of and that being the spot is more likely to be found with every day it is there. most of my spots have been used for years now. only a few times in the last 15 have i had issues. last year i went to one of my favorite beds to find a posted sign was put dead center in the middle (spot is way out there in nowhere) needless to say i never went back. that was the week i was going to plant so i did get sort of lucky.


Well-Known Member
when preparing fresh spots i start as early as the weather permits. get out dig and get the soil in long before any vegetation starts growing. then when spring starts full on i haven't trampled the area with fresh tracks and a huge stomped down area where i dug. also the dirt you dug needs a place to go throwing it in a pile after everything is green is noticable if you do it early that pile will sprout plants and not stand out as much.
soil benefits from setting out as well worms and beneficial microbs start to colonize and you can put some ferts that take time to break down at this point to be available 40-50 days down the line when it comes time to plant. realy there are many benefits to

starting early and only one drawback i can think of and that being the spot is more likely to be found with every day it is there.
most of my spots have been used for years now. only a few times in the last 15 have i had issues. last year i went to one of my
favorite beds to find a posted sign was put dead center in the middle (spot is way out there in nowhere) needless to say i never
went back. that was the week i was going to plant so i did get sort of lucky.

Great advice...I'm in a very rural area and have more than a few acres..that and having my OMMC growers permit, my only concern is anyone else knowing about my grow and snatching basically I tell no one.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Im hopeing to till beds and add some organic nutes in a couple weeks...and then a few weeeks to a month (thinking its gonna be earlier this year) its time to start seedlings.

Days have been getting longer for a while now!.


Well-Known Member
This has been a freak year. There's sometimes still snow on the ground mid March, not 70 degree temps. This is May weather. Needless to say, get out there and get working now if you can. Why put it off til the last minute. If you are digging holes and filling them with dirt, I feel like the longer the soil sits the more the local critters get used to it and less likely to have one come digging at your roots when a plant is in.


Active Member
I plan on getting sites ready this weekend were already hitting 80 temps in TX so I figured sooner the better since last year didn't harvest until almost thanksgiving...


Well-Known Member
I plan on getting sites ready this weekend were already hitting 80 temps in TX so I figured sooner the better since last year didn't harvest until almost thanksgiving...
80's ?? Damn...WE've had three days of snow and slushy rain! 4 inches of snow overnight, gone by the time I get home from work, then it does it all over again.
Hopefully spring will decide to show up in a few weeks. Soil is still in around 40 degress.