How small???

has anyone ever grown a bag seed from start with 12/12? how small can a plant be before you can induce flowering? if anyone has, please post pics or tell your story!
i'm getting to start mine and want some quick smoke.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Alot of PPL have fun with 12/12 from SEED. I normally dont EVER see more than an OZ. a plant and thats alot. In reality, if you Like to smoke and want to smoke. Spend 2-4 wks Vegging and it will double/triple your Yield.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
If you are growing bagseed why don't you plant a few seeds and only put one directly into 12/12.
Veg one for a week before going 12/12, veg another for 2 weeks then go 12/12 ... etc.
That way you will get a small amount quickly and have larger harvests comming along every week after the first.


Well-Known Member
That Too, an addition to my point. If you 12/12 from seed cause you WANT TO SMOKE SOON. you will be mad that you will run out SOONER than you would with 2-6 wk veg


Well-Known Member
I threw some seeds under 12/12 from the start this past summer,
i only got one female, she grew in a 1 gallon pot, for a total of 85 days.
Just over 2.5oz. Lst'd and grown under a 250w hps.
alrighty then guys. thanks for the knowledge. im gunna start soon with the 12/12 on a seed the from start. then goin to flower for a decent amount of time. should i use 2700k cfl for flowering or 6500k floro from start to finish? What's the earliest i can be done w/ flowering? i want these plants to be super small. like 5-7 inches; is that possible for non-clones? sorry lot of q's...
help is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Use the 2700ks if your flowering, and 12/12 IS flowering.... as far as super small, just top them immediately as you can. your flower time is gonna depend on your strain.
how many nodes should it have before i top it? i have two 14-watt 2700k cfl's that enough for a single plant to flower? should i get higher watt cfl's?


Active Member
I think shooting for a plant 5-7 inches tall is unrealistic. Even if you induce it in flowering from the jump they'll grow bigger than that. a 5-7 inch plant would be lukcy to produce a gram or two. Also taking clones doesn't ensure the plant will be small, they just start out at about that size then once rooted continue to grow bigger and taller just like any other plant would.


Well-Known Member
topping can occur once the plant has 2 nodes really from what ive heard an read some places, but i would wait until it has at least 5. +rep bj, that is very true.


Well-Known Member
Without looking in my logbook, i believe the plant i grew under 12/12 from seed
was showing pistils/preflowers around day 19-21.
alright guys thanks fr the info..i now have 2 26W 2700k cfl's for growing. i was researching low ryder strains and i was impresed at how small they were. the bud to foliage ratio was crazy good. prolly gettin indica seeds soon though.