How should i make my Hash?


I've got 72.7 grams of fresh 2 day old trim from a few autoflowers


I'd like to make a bit of hash with it, but what do you think the best method would be with this smallish amount?

I have 99% alcohol so could make oil (prefer a solid)
I also have a 5 bag set of bubble bags I've only used once or twice, but i guess i dont have enough to use bubble bags or am i wrong?

So yeah, what way should i make the hash, im hoping to get it done tonight :joint:


i usually just make a little bit of ice hash at a time with about 15 or 20 grams of chopped buds and leaves - ill freeze my trim for about 24 hrs or so (2 days fresh should be fine) and fill a glass mason jar about 3/4 full of frozen broken up "trash" and then fill the rest of the way (leaving a half inch room on top) with crushed ice and some cold water. put the top on. shake. just like the shake weight - you'll get a pretty good workout after a few minutes. other folks use a blender or a paint mixer, and i prolly would to if i owned either. then i pour the contents into a glass bowl through a strainer - i'll reuse the same handful of trim for a about 3 sets, leaving me with 3 "grades". i then use a turkey baster to carefully remove the top of half of the water and then i'll put it in a warm rm and try to forget about it for about 36 hrs (depending how much water you left). what's left is golden sticky goodness.