how safe is it to buy seeds 4rm websites(seed shops)?


Active Member
i was looking around and wanted to know how safe it is to buy seeds 4rm these internet seed shopz? how do they arrive here if they do? and how long does it usally take to receive them? whats a bomb lots of yield and cheap


Active Member dude! safe, discreet, and you pay can pay cash for security.
The seeds are good too, all 10 germinated within a day.


Well-Known Member
its safe if you do the following; 1.) get a gift card or mail in the money 2.) have the seeds shipped to a place where you are NOT growing 3.) order from a safe site like World Wide Marijuana Seeds
this is some bad info, never send money through the mail to different countries total scam, his site is fake for sure another seed scam site, an easy way to tell is contact it and see if u get a reply from customer service, u wont. there are real seed banks out there and they except credit cards which usually means there legit because u can always cancel a credit card payment and refute it so they cant rip u off or they wont make money, good luck:joint:


Well-Known Member seems very legit but ive never ordered from there so i dont know for sure but looks good to me, big bud has a high yield