How risky is ordering seeds online in the USA?

No seeds, I dont believe they sent the seeds to be honest I've talked with others who have had the same issue to refunds no proof of shipping I. Purchased close to three houndred dollars worth of seeds they told me that it was the risk I take when ordering there's nothing they can do for me short of paying them more money and they reship but I seriously doubt that the would ship again I'm going to try buddepot I've been hearing good things about them


Well-Known Member
Can anyone recommend a good walk in shop in Edmonton? I would like to grab some AK47, White Widow and Black Queen. I have a friend who I can send into the shop and then send them to me. I'm thinking maybe a little safer then getting direct from the net. Thanks


Well-Known Member
well, if you (or your friend) are in AB, I would get the seeds from the vancouover seed bank, they look like they have a huge selection, and to my knowledge, seeds aren't illegal, sporuting the seeds is illegal....

But if you are that worried, dont grow...



Well-Known Member
LOL FYI guys, marijuana seed banks have only been popularly online for maybe 8-10 years tops.. If that long.

Im guess that since Im such a paranoid mofo about doing something like this, its only because I have been in trouble with the authorities..
Been on probation for 2 years, and it was the worst 2 years of my life..

And in a digital world there is NO escape from BIG BROTHER..
Credit cards, IP addresses, computer logs, cell phones/landlines are all monitored thx to the PATRIOT ACT..

ALMOST went to jail for having too many dirty UA's (yes Im a fucking POTHEAD wtf u expect).. I will NEVER allow myself to get caught up in anything too risky EVER again..

I hated having the fucking government invading my life, and telling me what to do.. Paying fines, lawyer fees..

Im not saying you're gonna get busted, or there is nothing to fear.. I just know I DONT ever, EVER want to be a bitch to the system AGAIN..

TO me it would be WAY worth it to drive or fly my happy ass to Canada, and get my seeds myself..
Then you can even enjoy the benefit of taste testing buds before you by the seeds!

Maybe Im just a paranoid maniac, or giving the pigs too much credit...LOL
either way best of luck

the odds of canadian customs finding seeds on you is the same as customs finding seeds in the mail.... and i have two drug charges, not allowed to go to canada


Well-Known Member
not allowed in canada ...???? iv gotten busted a few times for weed & 2 times for extacy ,, i go to canada 3 times a month to the casinos 3 times a month in the detroit area ,, i never have problems ,, if u play ur cards right u can get seeds back also ,, if ur a guy ,, u can either tape them to ur balls , put in ass ,, or put them in a condom & swallow , shit it out 2 or 3 days later & germ them shitty lil fuckers,,, or u can just bring ur girl with you ,, she can stick them up her cooch :)


Well-Known Member
not allowed in canada ...???? iv gotten busted a few times for weed & 2 times for extacy ,, i go to canada 3 times a month to the casinos 3 times a month in the detroit area ,, i never have problems ,, if u play ur cards right u can get seeds back also ,, if ur a guy ,, u can either tape them to ur balls , put in ass ,, or put them in a condom & swallow , shit it out 2 or 3 days later & germ them shitty lil fuckers,,, or u can just bring ur girl with you ,, she can stick them up her cooch :)

i live in michigan and when i tried to go last time for a hockey game i was turned away because of one use of marijuana charge and one possesion on marijuana charge...... also... the mail is clean, your system sounds like a waste of time and money.... kinda like extasy.


Active Member
The Internet isn't safe for shit. Credit cards personal info etc why would you risk ordering stuff online. Im sorry but it is too fuckin risky especially if you livin in a stricter state in America! I do not mean to slander any seed banks, but the gov't here just has too much power to just trust "chance". Its a sad reality. Not only research the privacy policies of the seed banks, but your ISPs, banks, etc..AOL is one of the worst they rat people out for the slightest shit from what I hear.


Well-Known Member
the only times i got in trouble for weed was when i used to buy it.

did you know that under the controled substance act it is not illegal to posses stems of "hemp" plants or seeds that have been staralized or are unable to germinate.....

order some seeds.... if the man in blue comes throw them on the ground and jump on em.


Well-Known Member
It is a federal crime to try to smuggle seeds into the us or to buy them from outside and have them mailed. Usually what happens is Customs will seize it (if they find it) and that's that. They can't be bothered busting every seed buyer who gets an envelope that makes its way thru our wondeful mail system. If you order in bulk, it'll probably get seized, but a few seedpackets? not likely...I used to know a friend who bought weed online thru canada into the us. thru the regular mail system! I though that was hilarious! and this was after 9/11. cam in a regular envelope of all things. so it's amazing what can be mailed into the us.


Well-Known Member
you do know there are ways to make a purchase undetected? try: e-gold, paypal, (use a hushmail account or safemail account for anononymity), foreign money orders, available in most lending institutions, or banks. so don't whine, it just depends on how much YOU think you are at risk. go safe, use baggie seeds, enouch clones, you can eventually get a decent strain going...


Well-Known Member
the odds of canadian customs finding seeds on you is the same as customs finding seeds in the mail.... and i have two drug charges, not allowed to go to canada

Bull corn, I'll swallow my damn seeds.. I know others that have not had to goto such extremes, but Im not taking ANY fucking chances..

I just moved from the US, and I am chilling overseas for abit teaching..
If I wouldnt of swallowed seeds before I left, I wouldnt have shit to grow, or nothing to smoke..
AGAIN maybe I wouldnt of HAD to swallow them, but I wasnt about to go through LAX with ANYTHING questionable on my person..
I wanted to be sure I would have some seeds. I also swallowed about 10 grams of bud too..LOL(it was VERY compressed BTW)
Like I said on the first page, IM A FUCKING POTHEAD WTF U EXPECT :P

Of course it wasnt the most pleasent thing I ever went through, but I tell you what that 10 grams lasted me longer then ANY 10 grams before... LMAO
Was a personal record:hump:

I was lucky enough to run across a few peeps that can hook up with hash, but its kinda low quality.. Very smooth smoking though.. Never even had hash till I moved here.. CANT find any BUDZ though :-?

Its MUCH better then nothing at all though. but getting is a fucking hassle..
Its not trash by anymeans, but I have had bud that knock this shits dick in the dirt..

By spring/summer time I hope to be having some fresh dank to toke!

The hassle so far has been worth it!

jay cas

Well-Known Member
millions of people all over the world order seeds online everyday probably hundreds of thousands of those are in the states the cops dont have the time or resources to search seed sale data banks (they just wait until you fuck up when growing by doing something dumb) I agree with joeblow that going to Canada may seem safer but then you have (an even greater) chance (imo) of getting busted by customs. If your seeds are found in the mail all they do is take them as long as your seeds make it to you ( In five years ive only lost 1 pack in the mail and never received the "we got yer shit" letter from customs so i guess they just got lost. Anyhow don't be paranoid there too many BIG TIME growers out there for the po-po to worry about your ten pack of ak47
dido, word for word... shit iv been getting seeds for almost 3 years now, i use sensible seeds. the cool thing about them is they gaurentee thier seeds to arrive. only once did a order not make it and they sent another one in its place. the government wont waist thier time on orders less than 1000$. my average order is 500$-1000$ every 3 months. everythings been strait so far


Well-Known Member
Also btw I know of atleast 4 times, a guy did mail 1/8's of weed to people..
I couldnt fucking believe it, but this wasnt over national boarders..

BUT however this same person did just mail a buddy an 1/8 and he was a few states away..
This was also just about 6 months or so ago..
I was amazed the dude got his weed..

Im not telling anyone NOT to go for it, I just know I dont ever want to end up getting busted for ANYTHING (knock on wood!!!!!!!) again..

I also follow alot of CT talk radio shows, and websites.. hehe
ALL HAIL ALEX JONES!!! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!



jay cas

Well-Known Member
just take nessisary percautions....

1: set up a e-mail adress in a false name. use that e-mail adress when ordering

2: pay with international gift mastercards. (can be purchaced at some banks, i use lessalle) these gift cards are non tracible.

3: ship under false name and ship to a friends adress, not your own and deff not to the grow spot

jay cas

Well-Known Member
joeblow, fedex is reasonably safe. every time i go to vegas, i mail a 8er to my hotel the day i leave. i do this cause weed laws out there is fucked.... possesion is a fellony. i vac seal the dope and put it in a shampoo bottle and overnite it in a little box. its never failed!!


Active Member
I mail seeds from here in the Netherlands to friends in the states all the time. There's never been any problem. If anyone wants seeds from over here, let me know. I don't mind getting them at the seedbank I usually go to and mailing them out for people, as long as I'm reimbursed for what I pay out. Sucks to hear people are getting stiffed by the seed distros around here :(


Well-Known Member
just take nessisary percautions....

1: set up a e-mail adress in a false name. use that e-mail adress when ordering

2: pay with international gift mastercards. (can be purchaced at some banks, i use lessalle) these gift cards are non tracible.

3: ship under false name and ship to a friends adress, not your own and deff not to the grow spot
Man Id be pissed If I was your friend and you mailed me your problems!!! Just use world wide marijuana awesome service, product, and stealthiness. Order smaller sized orders and dont use a bank, debit card