How PreMature Are These ? Moving Indoors to Avoid Rot ?


Hello i found some botrytis the last couple days and its got me really worried...anyways i have cut off everything i have found ( painfull ) with mold on it.
I have two main questions here, what would happen if i were to bring a plant inside at this stage ? when i mean inside i mean like in my walk in closet...i have no indoor setup to speak hopes with this idea are just to get the plant away from all the moisture...and hopefully the buds would maybe stop swelling and mature ?
My second question is about the stage my good buds are in...if the weather persists and the mold continues i am thinking of a early harvest, I have put the plants on just water now for this reason. Do these pictures look way too pre-mature or are they close enough to crop if i absolutley have too ? Compounding my worries is the fact I have to leave to work for 8 days gf will be able to check on the garden but bless her heart I would rather it be me here to check them...any thoughts or advice are greatly appreciated, thanks



Well-Known Member
If you can bring them indoors every night, you should do so.
The indoor humidity should be lower than outside...this will help in staving off Bud Rot.
Try to match the indoor hours of darkness with what they were getting outside.

And most not harvest for at least a month, or so...if possible!!!


This is the closet...if the best thing to do is bring inside and outside everyday...what would happen to the plant at this stage if it were to be brought inside the closet with just the normal light ? and say an ocsilating fan ? houseplant style if you will...



Well-Known Member
This is the closet...if the best thing to do is bring inside and outside everyday...what would happen to the plant at this stage if it were to be brought inside the closet with just the normal light ? and say an ocsilating fan ? houseplant style if you will...

NO NO NO....I advise to bring plant inside ONLY for dark cycle.

Without an HID light it would be counterproductive to bring them in for any light other than supplemental.

If you have access to the almighty sun....take advantage of it.

Indoor overnight accommodations will help control bud blight.


Well the more I think about it I come to the conclusion mold is usually just something you have to deal with on Van Isl...just going to continue cutting out the bad stuff as we find it...checking the forecast and praying for sunny windy days...however I am very curious still as to what would happen to a plant at this stage of flower if it was brought inside to the conditions we were discussing...what exactly do you mean by saying it would be " counterproductive " to the plant...would it stop all growth ? revegg ? would the buds still mature ? or would the plant simply die ? thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
It will not die.
Trichome production will be severely stunted and the buds will start to become more wispy and thin. Foxtails may erupt all over.

The optimum potential potency will not be attained by depriving these plants of sunlight.

Even if they get only six hours a day under the sun, you should be able to minimize the potency drop off and feathery buds.


Well-Known Member
Yup, that is what I would do in an either/or scenario.

Try to inspect your plant for ANY evidence of bud rot as often as possible.
Use sterile cutting tool and remove rotted areas.
3% hydrogen peroxide(diluted a little) sprayed on wounded areas helps control spread.


Well-Known Member
Yup, that is what I would do in an either/or scenario.

Try to inspect your plant for ANY evidence of bud rot as often as possible.
Use sterile cutting tool and remove rotted areas.
3% hydrogen peroxide(diluted a little) sprayed on wounded areas helps control spread.

I do this AND use a pen torch to sterilize the surrounding area. My rot has set in a little early this year, last year it showed up around the 3rd week of September, not the last week of august :(. My Purple girl seems to be getting the worst of it, I was really hoping to see her through full maturity, the buds are just starting to show purple cylaxs :(