How old is your underwear?

How old is your oldest pair of underwear?

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Active Member
I just did my laundry and had an idea... ya see, I have this pair of boxer shorts (underwear) that i have had since high school. I graduated in 1996, and they are still being worn! I have shit them, spooged in them, and pissed them, but they still are my favorite... but the end is coming soon. I noticed that the elastic band is starting to give up. I figure that they are close to 17 years old! I do have other newer pairs, but the old ones are my favorite, by far.


Well-Known Member
Shiiiiiit....Show me some boxers than can last 17 years...I think I retired my oldest pair a couple years ago, and that one was probably close to 10 years old...Now all my boxers have been purchased in the past couple years.

What a weird topic for a thread...I like


Staff member
probably like less then 6 months old....:/
Edit: i have an underwear thing, i like to buy lots LOOL